Trying to get rid of Oleander
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by njoynit on March 24, 2004 05:13 AM
there is some stuff you get at lowes is for tree trunk removal.You drill holes and our this stuff in and eats the wood.
If no other plants are in area you could por boiling water and would kill it AND sterilize your soil.
can use vinegar& if is in sun will work even faster.
I'd love to have your oleander.I love its look
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
If no other plants are in area you could por boiling water and would kill it AND sterilize your soil.
can use vinegar& if is in sun will work even faster.
I'd love to have your oleander.I love its look
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by njoynit on March 24, 2004 05:17 AM
Its called bushbgone.can use full steength on roots.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by Rebekah on March 24, 2004 07:00 PM
Where the Oleander is now I was going to build up the planter a couple of feet so will this stuff be ok to use if I want plants to grow in the same area (a few feet higher).
by njoynit on March 24, 2004 09:27 PM
I don't have my box anymore so am not sure.but weeds are growing where removed tree root.but was fall and is now spring.I'm going to walmart soon and will try to remeber to run down to feed store& see if carry and what box says.I need some Iron anyway.Guess I better have neighbor take me and not hubby huh.I think he'd have a heart attack if I went in gardening area.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by Rebekah on March 24, 2004 11:42 PM
We have people that wanted them, but when we started to dig them up the really big roots were breaking off. Will the oleander grow back from these roots? Or, do I need to just kill them.
by catlover on March 25, 2004 01:01 AM
Let me preface this by stating I have had a ton of these planted around 3/4 of my perimeter and most are approx. 12-20 ft. tall.
Do not burn is lethal.
I know all about the tangled massive roots.
I have dug down and removed some oleanders that were small and left a few roots but nothing came up with those....the HUGO GIGANTO ONES...I cut down to about a foot with a bow saw and those are producing leaves and branches something fierce....grrrrr...have yet to get a chainsaw so I keep clipping the new leaves off! That has been for 2 years and they are still producing new stuff.
There is one oleander that I cut down just below the soil surface (which was smaller approx. 8ft tall) and it is sending up several leaves and branches as we speak. I keep clipping them off and they still come back.
I have sprayed the leaves with Round Up and that has worked for awhile but they DO come back and fierce. I have yet to drill into them and place full strength Round UP....will see if that kills them.
From my understanding the Round Up (Rumuda is cheaper and same stuff) but not sure if it kills roots without going through the leaves....dissipates and becomes inactive after a certain time period. Which is evidenced by ....if you spray and let it DRY and walk through it doesn't spread on your shoes to kill other plants...grass etc. Read the bottle for sure but I remember it stating you can plant in the same area after X amt. of time!!!
Don't know anything about brush b gone....!!!! But that is my next step if the Round Up doesn't work.
Please keep us informed in your choice and how it works out!!! I will definitely be waiting for your follow up!!
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I know all about the tangled massive roots.
I have dug down and removed some oleanders that were small and left a few roots but nothing came up with those....the HUGO GIGANTO ONES...I cut down to about a foot with a bow saw and those are producing leaves and branches something fierce....grrrrr...have yet to get a chainsaw so I keep clipping the new leaves off! That has been for 2 years and they are still producing new stuff.
There is one oleander that I cut down just below the soil surface (which was smaller approx. 8ft tall) and it is sending up several leaves and branches as we speak. I keep clipping them off and they still come back.
I have sprayed the leaves with Round Up and that has worked for awhile but they DO come back and fierce. I have yet to drill into them and place full strength Round UP....will see if that kills them.
From my understanding the Round Up (Rumuda is cheaper and same stuff) but not sure if it kills roots without going through the leaves....dissipates and becomes inactive after a certain time period. Which is evidenced by ....if you spray and let it DRY and walk through it doesn't spread on your shoes to kill other plants...grass etc. Read the bottle for sure but I remember it stating you can plant in the same area after X amt. of time!!!
Don't know anything about brush b gone....!!!! But that is my next step if the Round Up doesn't work.
Please keep us informed in your choice and how it works out!!! I will definitely be waiting for your follow up!!
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