Indoor Palms
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by Will Creed on June 15, 2005 04:12 AM
Hi Butter,
I am a resident of NYC and I take care of indoor plants profesionally. You may be surprised at how many tropical plants we have growing indoors in NYC!
Growing palms from seeds takes a very long time and they are not easy to germinate. I suggest that you purchase a small palm instead.
Selecting the right palm depends on the available light. Some palms do OK in low light and some must have direct sun.
If you can give me a detailed description of the light you have in tyh location you want to put the palm, I can help you select the right palm species.
Are you in the City? If so, which boro?
I am a resident of NYC and I take care of indoor plants profesionally. You may be surprised at how many tropical plants we have growing indoors in NYC!
Growing palms from seeds takes a very long time and they are not easy to germinate. I suggest that you purchase a small palm instead.
Selecting the right palm depends on the available light. Some palms do OK in low light and some must have direct sun.
If you can give me a detailed description of the light you have in tyh location you want to put the palm, I can help you select the right palm species.
Are you in the City? If so, which boro?
by Butterz on June 15, 2005 08:04 AM
I am in Queens. I really don't know what kind of plants or anything I can grow, I am new to gardening. The only reason I started looking for this was because I like palm trees and would like to try to have one of my own.
Will, do you think you could give me some good started palms that are real easy to care for and maintain that I could get?
Will, do you think you could give me some good started palms that are real easy to care for and maintain that I could get?
by Cricket on June 15, 2005 08:19 AM
Hi Butterz,
What exposure are the windows in your home? Is the light coming in obstructed by buildings, trees, etc?
What exposure are the windows in your home? Is the light coming in obstructed by buildings, trees, etc?
by Butterz on June 16, 2005 03:53 AM
Well, the lighting can vary. I have one window facing northeast, the others southwest. I can have it on my porch or in my yard if it needs direct light. I can place it near my fence or pool to give it shade.
by Cricket on June 16, 2005 07:23 AM
Hi Butterz,
I have no idea what palm is best suited for your environment but Will checks in regularly and will be able to give you great suggestions.
I have no idea what palm is best suited for your environment but Will checks in regularly and will be able to give you great suggestions.
by Will Creed on June 16, 2005 08:57 AM
Damn! You live in Queens and you have a porch, a yard, and a pool! I wanna live with you and get out of my 5th floor walkup 2BR with none of the above! Got any room for me?
Palms are not the easiest plants for beginners and they tend to grow slowly.
I suggest that you start with a Chamaedorea elegans (parlor palm), Chamaedorea erumpens (bamboo palm) or a Rhapis palm (lady palm). All do well in bright indirect light.
You should know that all palms are quite particular about water and not very forgiving if not watered properly. In addition, most palms (the Rhapis is an exception) are very prone to spider mite infestations.
Avoid getting a Majesty palm at all costs.
Have I talked you out of getting a palm, yet? LOL!
Damn! You live in Queens and you have a porch, a yard, and a pool! I wanna live with you and get out of my 5th floor walkup 2BR with none of the above! Got any room for me?
Palms are not the easiest plants for beginners and they tend to grow slowly.
I suggest that you start with a Chamaedorea elegans (parlor palm), Chamaedorea erumpens (bamboo palm) or a Rhapis palm (lady palm). All do well in bright indirect light.
You should know that all palms are quite particular about water and not very forgiving if not watered properly. In addition, most palms (the Rhapis is an exception) are very prone to spider mite infestations.
Avoid getting a Majesty palm at all costs.
Have I talked you out of getting a palm, yet? LOL!
by Butterz on June 16, 2005 11:03 AM
Will, thanks a lot you really clear some things up for me. I am sending you a Private Message on a more personal note.
by Will Creed on June 17, 2005 09:15 AM
Thanks for the inviation to move in with you. Give me two weeks to make all the arrangements. See yoy soon.
by Butterz on June 22, 2005 07:01 AM
I have been doing some more research and am getting that Rhalpis palm(or however you spell it). I just need to do some more research first.
by Nako on June 22, 2005 10:32 PM
*hops* what about dracena or yucca?
i have 4 of them doing OK in my low light home ^.^ I also have a King Sago palm doing okay in the brightest window in the house, which is like, lotsa indirect light.
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by Justine on June 23, 2005 12:27 AM
Like most of you I love the palms and I have just recently got one. I have never owned a house plant before. My question is to Will Creed, as I don't know anything about Palms and I do have the Majesty Palm what are the problems I will see. I have it near our picture window east indirect light. I had it for a couple of days and transporting it into a new pot. I was careful with the roots and loosend them a little and watered it, I know you have to be so careful you can either over water or under, is it best to water once a week, or every two weeks or just wait till it is bone dry. Right now I notice new green growth looking good, some of the older green is looking limp wiltering. Any advice in taking care of my Majesty Palm would be greatly appreciated, I want to do the right thing, maybe getting this type of Palm was a mistake but I loved the looks of it and the palms. Thanks again.
by Will Creed on June 23, 2005 05:29 AM
Hi Justine.
"I want to do the right thing, maybe getting this type of Palm was a mistake but I loved the looks of it and the palms."
Yes, majesty palms do look great. They are cheap to produce, so lots of them are sold. But buying one is a mistake, I am sorry to say.
They need a lot of direct sunlight when indoors. They do not respond well to repotting. You should water thoroughly as soon as the top inch of soil feels bone dry.
You can expect brown tips, yellowing fronds, and spider mites. It is rare that one of these palms looks presentable after a year as a houseplant.
I wish I had better news for you. Sorry.
"I want to do the right thing, maybe getting this type of Palm was a mistake but I loved the looks of it and the palms."
Yes, majesty palms do look great. They are cheap to produce, so lots of them are sold. But buying one is a mistake, I am sorry to say.
They need a lot of direct sunlight when indoors. They do not respond well to repotting. You should water thoroughly as soon as the top inch of soil feels bone dry.
You can expect brown tips, yellowing fronds, and spider mites. It is rare that one of these palms looks presentable after a year as a houseplant.
I wish I had better news for you. Sorry.
by Justine on June 24, 2005 12:39 AM
Thank you so much for answering me Will. Can you recomend to me a good palm plant that you think I will have better luck with. Is there anything I can do to prevent spider mites also? I will put it infront of the window which would be direct sunlight. I just love the majastey palms leaves is there another such plant like it that you can suggest that I may have better luck with thank you so much in advance?
by Will Creed on June 24, 2005 09:36 AM
Hi Justine,
Parlor palms and bamboo palms are good choices for bright indirect light. Rhapis palms are good for low light, although they are very expensive.
Vigilance is the best way to prevent spider mites. Check the fronds very carefully in good light for little specks of dust-like mites. Spritzing the fronds with soapy water every few weeks will also help.
Good luck!
Parlor palms and bamboo palms are good choices for bright indirect light. Rhapis palms are good for low light, although they are very expensive.
Vigilance is the best way to prevent spider mites. Check the fronds very carefully in good light for little specks of dust-like mites. Spritzing the fronds with soapy water every few weeks will also help.
Good luck!
by Justine on June 24, 2005 09:55 PM
Thanks so much for your help Will and suggestions of other palms.
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The only problem is, I live in New York, where we don't have too many tropical plants. I want to plant my own tropical plants(specifically palm plants) in my house.
I need to know if most types of palsm can grow indoors. I want to buy seeds but dont want them to die or anything. Thanks.
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