Where Can I Buy A Rubber Tree Plant?
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by obywan59 on March 29, 2005 09:54 PM
Lowes will often have them. I think I've seen them a couple of feet tall or more.
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May the force be with you
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May the force be with you
by phoenix on March 29, 2005 10:24 PM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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"If you want to talk bollocks and discuss the meaning of life,you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.That way you're drunk by the time you start to take yourself seriously"
by Rural Gardener on March 29, 2005 10:29 PM
Well I've got
'High Hopes'
that you will find one
If you don't get that, then I am showing my age
Sorry, I just think of that song whenever I hear rubber tree plant
But seriously, they are really cool plants, I'd like to run across one too.
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'High Hopes'
that you will find one
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
But seriously, they are really cool plants, I'd like to run across one too.
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by loz on March 29, 2005 11:28 PM
I have a rubber tree plant that I rescued from the plant section in our local grocery store....got it on clearance too....It's about 4 feet tall right now.....Like everyone said they are pretty easy to come across in Lowes or Home Depot....Hope you find one!!!!
by Nako on March 30, 2005 08:03 AM
I got mine at a greenhouse next to a funeral home. I've seen them in EVERY greenhouse i've been to at one point or another, so i don't think you'll have a hard time finding one
they like lotsa light, but they can survive in pretty low light. They'll just be a little "floppier" and viny if they don't get as much light.
But ya, you can get itty bitty ones in 3" pots. Most of the ones i've seen come 3 per pot though. So what i did was i bought a small one in an 8" pot where each of them were about 6" tall. Then i separated them in a dish of water. Then a few months later it recovered and started putting out leaves ^.^ I immediately put mine in a GIANT 16" p ot when i planted it though. You can see it in my webshots if ya want
Those pictures are pretty out of date now though. It has about 7 or 8 new leaves on it right noww ^.^ As soon as i got it into a window that faces the sunrise, it thickened right up from a pencle to a marker size!
Hope my rambeling helps
good luck!
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Nako's Webshots!

But ya, you can get itty bitty ones in 3" pots. Most of the ones i've seen come 3 per pot though. So what i did was i bought a small one in an 8" pot where each of them were about 6" tall. Then i separated them in a dish of water. Then a few months later it recovered and started putting out leaves ^.^ I immediately put mine in a GIANT 16" p ot when i planted it though. You can see it in my webshots if ya want
Hope my rambeling helps
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Nako's Webshots!

by Smh023 on March 30, 2005 04:30 PM
Thanks everyone, I will have to stop by one of those stores and get a rubber plant.
My boyfriend offered to buy my friends rubber plant that touches her ceiling but she wouldn’t come off of it! haha It was worth a shot.
I just love plants, my ex boyfriend used to say that I brought home plants was like bringing home stray dogs. haha
I got one big palm from my work and it is huge, but nobody was caring for it here at my work so I rescued it and now it is beautiful! It even buds big white flowers.
Nako you have tons of plants!! They are ALL so beautiful!!! I can’t wait until I have that many.
I really like the Alocasia plant and the Spider plant. I would like to have those I have never heard of either one though.
Is a Venus flytrap hard to care for? They are so interesting I kind of want one but I know nothing about them.
My boyfriend offered to buy my friends rubber plant that touches her ceiling but she wouldn’t come off of it! haha It was worth a shot.
I just love plants, my ex boyfriend used to say that I brought home plants was like bringing home stray dogs. haha
I got one big palm from my work and it is huge, but nobody was caring for it here at my work so I rescued it and now it is beautiful! It even buds big white flowers.
Nako you have tons of plants!! They are ALL so beautiful!!! I can’t wait until I have that many.
I really like the Alocasia plant and the Spider plant. I would like to have those I have never heard of either one though.
Is a Venus flytrap hard to care for? They are so interesting I kind of want one but I know nothing about them.
by Nako on March 30, 2005 06:01 PM
You may have better luck with a flytrap than i do >.o i've had about 4 or 5 so far, and they've all died one way or another. I figured out that you're not supposed to pull the dead leaves off, but just clip the ends where they're black, and that got me my first one from a cutting! but then a worm ate it! GRRRRR! I was looking at it one day, and it was a lil bitty cute flytrap just growing there, and the next day it was gone... so i picked it up and there was this little tiny yellow worm eating it! NOOOOOOOO! so ya, i threw that one out before it got to any of my other carnivorous plants lol.
I have a nepanthes bicalcarata if you wana see that sometime!
I still gotta take a picture of its new pitchers lol
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Nako's Webshots!

I have a nepanthes bicalcarata if you wana see that sometime!
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Nako's Webshots!

by Smh023 on March 30, 2005 07:58 PM
I will probably pass on the Venus flytrap then bc Im sure I wont have any good luck with it. I killed my Aloe plant and I have no idea how?
by Franniepoppins on April 01, 2005 01:55 AM
In the Spring Walmart usually has rubber tree plants. They always have smaller size 'trees'. I haven't been out to mine for a few weeks, but they may already be getting them in.
We bought a palm tree at Walmart one year. We paid $6.99 for it. It was just a small bush, maybe two, or three, feet high. Now it is at least 6 feet high at its highest point. It's been fun watching it grow.
We bought a palm tree at Walmart one year. We paid $6.99 for it. It was just a small bush, maybe two, or three, feet high. Now it is at least 6 feet high at its highest point. It's been fun watching it grow.
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I don’t want to buy on already that big but I don’t want to get a small one.
I tried looking it up on the net and no luck.
Where can I buy this plant at?
And do you know if they are hard to care for?