new to housplants spider plant ???
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by Cynthia63 on July 03, 2004 04:26 PM
a friend sent me a spider baby in the mail... I planted it in soil in a pot... its done wonderful (this is my first houseplant - besides my bamboo) anyway the tiny pot I had it in was looking silly the spider has grown so much... well I put it in a larger pot and the leaves arent brown they just arent perky and as green as they were prior to transplanting.. did I hurt it... over nurture it over water it... I want this little plant to grow so bad... I may be mother henning it to death... I looked this morning and the center of the plant is very colorful and bright green yet... the outer stems/leaves stalks... seem dark (not brown) but a heavy deep green.... what am i doing wrong? thanks.. Cynthia
by Shani on July 04, 2004 12:20 AM
There is most likely nothing wrong with your plant, the plant is probably just experiencing shock from being replanted, I know that some of my plant take a few weeks to recover from a transplant. Just keep watering and treating it the way you were before and it will likely comeback soon
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
by Cynthia63 on July 04, 2004 12:32 AM
shew - I hope so it was doing so good... I was so proud thinking I was getting my green thumb... and all of a sudden BOOM..... Ill keep my fingers crossed
by TomR on July 05, 2004 03:35 PM
Spiders like to be a bit potbound, they tend to put out more babies when they are potbound. Also, you may want to back off on the watering a bit, they like to dry out a bit between waterings. Brown tips are fairly normal on these, they are suppost to be caused by flouride in the water but I'm not so sure myself. Try using water that has been sitting out for a day or 2 at least. This allows chemicals in the water to disapate.
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by pinkpanter on July 06, 2004 08:21 AM
by Nako on July 06, 2004 08:42 AM
Its like a buncha blades of grass that all shoot out of a middle part. And they are all green with a white stripy middle main vain, and they have little shoots that other ones hang off of.
There's one on the main site here
But i think this one looks better ^.^

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Nako's Webshots!

There's one on the main site here
But i think this one looks better ^.^

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Nako's Webshots!

by pinkpanter on July 06, 2004 08:54 AM
Than you very much Nako!
I know this plant. My mother has it in a pot hanging infornt of the entrance. It's green and white - very decorative. An it's so easy to get babies. I think it has a white flower (when it's blooming)???
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I know this plant. My mother has it in a pot hanging infornt of the entrance. It's green and white - very decorative. An it's so easy to get babies. I think it has a white flower (when it's blooming)???
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by Nako on July 07, 2004 07:47 AM
no problem pink panter ^.^ I try to keep em out of my house, cuz i'm afraid of them taking over my other plants lol. In the greenhouse, they like to bind the pots together with their babies and stuff. Gets annoying trying to pry them apart >.< but its okay. They're nice houseplants ^.^
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by magic612 on July 11, 2004 04:19 PM
I was given a plant which I was told was a Spider plant.. but it doesnt have the white on the leaves at all. It has the same type of leaves and the same shape and everything, just not the white. Is this still a spider plant? (sorry for the dumb question guys!)
by Jiffymouse on July 11, 2004 07:03 PM
hi magic...., yes, your plant is still a spider. there are actually 3 types. the solid green, green with white edges, and white with green edges. i have all three in a pot right now... but they are all babies, so i am just waiting for them to grow...
by sachis2112 on July 12, 2004 04:55 AM
Ooooo, Jiffy! There are MANY more kinds but those are certainly the main three. There is also the green and white that gets all curly. It's called a bonnie. There are a couple different kinds of bonnies (I have two different). There are some spidies I've seen that look a little like a dracaena water plant I've seen.
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