Hey Ma, What's fer supper???
Willy's Place » Members Favorite Recipes
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by Shani on October 24, 2004 11:20 PM
Last night for supper I made what I refer to as a Student Stir-fry
consisting of potatos, carrots, and chicken all cooked up together with a lemos stirfry sauce (of the package variety) served on rice, yeah for cheap meals![[Smile]](im/smile.gif)
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
consisting of potatos, carrots, and chicken all cooked up together with a lemos stirfry sauce (of the package variety) served on rice, yeah for cheap meals
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
by afgreyparrot on October 24, 2004 11:32 PM
Homemade French bread pizza last night.
(heartburn city! ! !)
Homemade cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing for breakfast today.
Grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.
Jim Beam and Pepsi for supper!
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
(heartburn city! ! !)
Homemade cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing for breakfast today.
Grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.
Jim Beam and Pepsi for supper!

* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by weezie13 on October 25, 2004 01:09 AM
You mean we were eatin' grill sam~iches together, Cindy????????? NEAT!!!
Still tryin' to figure out
what to have for dinner!!!
I never mind the cookin' part but it's the figuring out part I hate!!!![[Razz]](im/tongue.gif)
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

Still tryin' to figure out
I never mind the cookin' part but it's the figuring out part I hate!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by gardenmom32210 on October 25, 2004 09:51 PM
I've got some chuck steaks that I'm marinating in Italian dressing for the grill. Gonna make some twice baked potatos and a salad.
YUM...getting hungry just thinking about it!
YUM...getting hungry just thinking about it!
by afgreyparrot on October 26, 2004 02:41 AM
Tonight...biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, and sausage.
I ate about 3 bites of it.![[Razz]](im/tongue.gif)
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
I ate about 3 bites of it.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by weezie13 on October 26, 2004 04:55 PM
We ended up going out to dinner,
had a fish fry, oh, I love
Last night we had homemade ghoulash!!!
And tonight, we're having leftovers, of a
roast I did Friday night!
I think tomorrow it may be TACO's!!!! mouth is watering already!!!
P/S Hey Cindy,
for those rolls and especially for that cream cheese icing??????
Got a recipe
for that steak?? And the
twice baked taters????![[Smile]](im/smile.gif)
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

had a fish fry, oh, I love
Last night we had homemade ghoulash!!!
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
And tonight, we're having leftovers, of a
roast I did Friday night!
I think tomorrow it may be TACO's!!!! mouth is watering already!!!
P/S Hey Cindy,
quote:Got the recipe
Homemade cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing for breakfast today.
Got a recipe
twice baked taters????
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by gardenmom32210 on October 26, 2004 05:12 PM
quote:Just pour Italian Dressing over the meat and let it sit for a few hours. It's really good on beef and chicken. I didn't make the salad,I stir-fried some carrots,broccoli,zuchini,corn and lima beans in a couple of tablespoons of Italian Dressing...YUMMY!! I also didn't make the twice baked potatoes,I made homemade scalloped potatos instead.
Got a recipe for that steak?? And the
twice baked taters????
Gonna make Chicken and Dumplings for dinner tonight.
by weezie13 on October 26, 2004 05:20 PM
We do the Italian dressing for the chicken alot..
Wishbone Robusto Italian... very tasty..
And hubby likes to do the Chivetta's marinade and the dip it in Robusto afterwards, just for a change of pace...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

Wishbone Robusto Italian... very tasty..
And hubby likes to do the Chivetta's marinade and the dip it in Robusto afterwards, just for a change of pace...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by gardenmom32210 on October 26, 2004 06:02 PM
It works real good on beef...the vinegar tenderizes just about any tough cut of meat. My daughter marinates pot roast in it and uses the leftover marinade in the gravy...melt in your mouth good!
I use marinades alot to give my meat a kick. Last week I used a steak marinade for chicken. Cooked it on the top rack of the grill and put a baking pan full of carrots,potatos and onions on the bottom rack. I added all of the marinade from the chicken to the pan added enough water to cover and slow-cooked it for 2 hours. All of the chicken juices fell into the pan with the veggies. My God,was it GOOD! The kids even sopped up all the juice in the pan!
I use marinades alot to give my meat a kick. Last week I used a steak marinade for chicken. Cooked it on the top rack of the grill and put a baking pan full of carrots,potatos and onions on the bottom rack. I added all of the marinade from the chicken to the pan added enough water to cover and slow-cooked it for 2 hours. All of the chicken juices fell into the pan with the veggies. My God,was it GOOD! The kids even sopped up all the juice in the pan!
by afgreyparrot on October 26, 2004 06:22 PM
When you guys grill stuff, do you use propane or charcoal?
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by weezie13 on October 26, 2004 06:34 PM
Used to use the Charcoal a long time ago..
and when I first switched over, I did miss
the taste a bit, but the time to set it up,
GET IT STARTED, let it heat up a bit to get
the charcoals red, and then finally put your item on to cook, was just toooooo long...
Then they made the propane very accessable and
alot quicker...Light it, let it warm a tad
and go...
I like to mix the marinades/sause's up a bit, I like Krafts Hickory Smoke BBQ sauce and then I also like the HOT and then I like to take the two and put them together... Oh man, now I want chicken on the grill tonight instead of the taco's, we'll see which one wins!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

Used to use the Charcoal a long time ago..
and when I first switched over, I did miss
the taste a bit, but the time to set it up,
GET IT STARTED, let it heat up a bit to get
the charcoals red, and then finally put your item on to cook, was just toooooo long...
Then they made the propane very accessable and
alot quicker...Light it, let it warm a tad
and go...
I like to mix the marinades/sause's up a bit, I like Krafts Hickory Smoke BBQ sauce and then I also like the HOT and then I like to take the two and put them together... Oh man, now I want chicken on the grill tonight instead of the taco's, we'll see which one wins!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by gardenmom32210 on October 26, 2004 06:43 PM
We use propane too. We like to use the wood chips made for propane grills,gives it "that charcoal" flavor.
I think I'm changing my mind. Chicken on the grill is sounding better than chicken&dumplings. Hmmmm...I've got the veggies for the drip pan too.
I think I'm changing my mind. Chicken on the grill is sounding better than chicken&dumplings. Hmmmm...I've got the veggies for the drip pan too.
by afgreyparrot on October 26, 2004 07:09 PM
Wow...I must be the only one left that uses charcoal. I'm gonna have to check out the propane grills! I have three of them! One on the pontoon, one on the deck, one in the garage and one out front. (Duh! That's four!)
I have NEVER even used the propane. I've probably screwed them ALL up by putting charcoal in them! I know I've destroyed this one in the front yard! Some burner thing that the flames come out of....well, I got mad at it one day and jerked it out!
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
I have NEVER even used the propane. I've probably screwed them ALL up by putting charcoal in them! I know I've destroyed this one in the front yard! Some burner thing that the flames come out of....well, I got mad at it one day and jerked it out!
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by afgreyparrot on October 26, 2004 07:41 PM
Well, you all have gotten me wanting to use the gas grill.....but I don't know how! I can't find any owner's manuals to them. (Actually, I doubt if I have the directions to two of them, since they were given to me second-hand.)
Just tell me this.....is there a snowball's chance in hell that this thing is gonna EXPLODE!??
If not, I'm gonna just try to figure it out by my own bad self.
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
Just tell me this.....is there a snowball's chance in hell that this thing is gonna EXPLODE!??
If not, I'm gonna just try to figure it out by my own bad self.
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by weezie13 on October 26, 2004 07:54 PM
I am not a good one to reply to this, but...
with all that said, I still use them...
We had one as a kid, that the push igniter wouldn't always co~operate... and you'd turn on
the gas, and push the starter and it would lite..
Well, once it started going, you'd turn on the gas and click the starter but you'd have to do it a bunch of times, it would finally click and POOF! You'd hear it take ahold of the gas and light it...
Wellllllllllllll, one time it took a tad bit longer, and when it finally went POOFED I looked like this
*well, my arm did and the side of my hair* it went poof and the tips' of all my hair on my arm and face/head got tinged!!!
Needless to say, I still use them, and am VERY MINDFULL when using one..
we still sort a have a similiar problem now, the starter doesn't work, so we manually put flame to it, and sometimes, the match gets blown out on the way down when I throw it in, and have to turn the gas off right away, grab another match and retry, you don't dare let the gas go even while you're just getting another match, OMG!!!
Knock on Wood, haven't re~sorched myself at all since that, but, it's been semi close on occasions!!!
I still use them though, the alternative to pan frying, just
doesn't turn me on!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

I am not a good one to reply to this, but...
with all that said, I still use them...
We had one as a kid, that the push igniter wouldn't always co~operate... and you'd turn on
the gas, and push the starter and it would lite..
Well, once it started going, you'd turn on the gas and click the starter but you'd have to do it a bunch of times, it would finally click and POOF! You'd hear it take ahold of the gas and light it...
Wellllllllllllll, one time it took a tad bit longer, and when it finally went POOFED I looked like this
Needless to say, I still use them, and am VERY MINDFULL when using one..
we still sort a have a similiar problem now, the starter doesn't work, so we manually put flame to it, and sometimes, the match gets blown out on the way down when I throw it in, and have to turn the gas off right away, grab another match and retry, you don't dare let the gas go even while you're just getting another match, OMG!!!
Knock on Wood, haven't re~sorched myself at all since that, but, it's been semi close on occasions!!!
I still use them though, the alternative to pan frying, just
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by afgreyparrot on October 26, 2004 08:56 PM
Well...I partially blew a building up one time by pouring kerosene into a coal stove that was smouldering, so I think I'd better not try the gas grill until I find someone to SHOW me how to use one.
Sounds too complicated for me.
I have some big ribeye steaks in there marinading right now!
Oh, well...I got plenty of charcoal, and a Bic!
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
Sounds too complicated for me.
Oh, well...I got plenty of charcoal, and a Bic!
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by weezie13 on October 26, 2004 09:02 PM
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by gardenmom32210 on October 27, 2004 06:19 AM
Wellllll...Weezie....what did you fix...did you do the "Tacos" or the "Chicken"?
I ended up cooking the chicken on the grill..I simmered it on low and it was YUMMY!!!!!
I ended up cooking the chicken on the grill..I simmered it on low and it was YUMMY!!!!!
by Jiffymouse on October 27, 2004 06:55 PM
ok, i have a request... if you make something that needs a recipe, you have to post the recipe with the menu...
i had home made potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
make a white sauce by melting butter (i used 1 stick), stir flour in it (i used about 1/3c but i use the "dump & pour" method of measuring), add salt and onion powder (if you want to use real onion, saute the onions in butter and add when you add the potatoes) keep stirring, add milk or heavy cream a little at a time, stirring well until it is liquid. when liquid, add chicken broth (or ham chunks and water), stir well, put on low heat.
peel and chunk 4-5 potatoes and put in sauce, let simmer, stirring regularly. when potatoes are done, it's soup!
i had home made potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
make a white sauce by melting butter (i used 1 stick), stir flour in it (i used about 1/3c but i use the "dump & pour" method of measuring), add salt and onion powder (if you want to use real onion, saute the onions in butter and add when you add the potatoes) keep stirring, add milk or heavy cream a little at a time, stirring well until it is liquid. when liquid, add chicken broth (or ham chunks and water), stir well, put on low heat.
peel and chunk 4-5 potatoes and put in sauce, let simmer, stirring regularly. when potatoes are done, it's soup!
by melcon6 on October 29, 2004 02:11 AM
Hey, I'll come show you how to use the gas grill someday,
one important thing if you do try it-
you try to light it,
steps to lighting
Oh yeah, dinner tonight was a roasted chicken that I doused with last night's leftover Merlot, Smilie Fries (kid's love em) and peas!
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one important thing if you do try it-
steps to lighting
- lift the lid
- turn gas bottle on
- get long matches ready
- I like to go in from the bottom, so squat down in front of grill and look up, you should see some air holes on the bottom of the grill.
- turn one burner on and quickly light the match and stick it in one of the holes
- poof
- then you can turn on the other burner, should light itself off the other side
Oh yeah, dinner tonight was a roasted chicken that I doused with last night's leftover Merlot, Smilie Fries (kid's love em) and peas!
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by melcon6 on October 29, 2004 02:25 AM
Jiffy,that sounds yummy and great idea posting the recipe!!
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by weezie13 on October 29, 2004 02:34 AM
quote:**G~mom, I ended up
Wellllll...Weezie....what did you fix...did you do the "Tacos" or the "Chicken"?
It's really screwy around my house some days...
Never know if you're comin' or goin'!!!
Husband was in the mood for Pizza and wanted it
"TO GO ~~~~>, so he brought it home...
and I didn't even have to cook!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by melcon6 on October 29, 2004 02:40 AM
quote:What is that?
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by weezie13 on October 29, 2004 03:07 AM
What is that?
Ooops!! I left out the "e"
Those are things from Pizza Hut!!
It has a "bunch" of Onion Rings, Hot Poppers w/ Cream Cheese, Chicken Finger and Cheese Sticks...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

What is that?
Those are things from Pizza Hut!!
It has a "bunch" of Onion Rings, Hot Poppers w/ Cream Cheese, Chicken Finger and Cheese Sticks...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by melcon6 on October 29, 2004 03:11 AM
* * * *

by gardenmom32210 on October 29, 2004 03:21 AM
so he brought it home...
and I didn't even have to cook!
Does he have a brother?
by weezie13 on October 29, 2004 03:33 AM
time to find that man!!!
And I am sooooooooooooooooooooo glad I did!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

time to find that man!!!
And I am sooooooooooooooooooooo glad I did!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by afgreyparrot on October 30, 2004 05:15 AM
A chicken leg from KFC for me tonight.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by Jiffymouse on October 30, 2004 02:58 PM
it was pizza (home made) for supper. i'll try to describe how to make the crust after i get it right
(it still isn't quite right)
i put the left over ham (we've been eating it for 3 days now, but it's all gone, finally) and some mushrooms on top. wasn't bad.
now, about the lighting of the gas grill... a trick i learned from my momma.... (and cindy, even you could get this one right
you take one of those long fire place matches (that is important because of how long it burns) and light it. lay it across the burner and leave it burning. turn on the gas bottle, then turn on the burner SLOWLY. the burner will catch at the first sign of the gas, so you don't get the "poof" explosive type of ignition. the poof comes from the build up of gas in the area of the spark when the spark happens. no build up, no poof.
one note... if the match goes out before the burner starts, shut the gas off and start over.
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
i put the left over ham (we've been eating it for 3 days now, but it's all gone, finally) and some mushrooms on top. wasn't bad.
now, about the lighting of the gas grill... a trick i learned from my momma.... (and cindy, even you could get this one right
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
you take one of those long fire place matches (that is important because of how long it burns) and light it. lay it across the burner and leave it burning. turn on the gas bottle, then turn on the burner SLOWLY. the burner will catch at the first sign of the gas, so you don't get the "poof" explosive type of ignition. the poof comes from the build up of gas in the area of the spark when the spark happens. no build up, no poof.
one note... if the match goes out before the burner starts, shut the gas off and start over.
by afgreyparrot on October 30, 2004 03:19 PM
quote:You THINK so?
and cindy, even you could get this one right
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
It would give me a good excuse to buy some of those big matches. I've always wanted some of those for some reason. They just look so COOL!
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by Jiffymouse on October 30, 2004 03:28 PM
cindy, i do. you just have to do it in the proper order.
by melcon6 on November 03, 2004 11:44 PM
Homemade chicken noodle soup with some fresh thyme and parsley from the garden !
With some warm biscuits (from a can). It's so windy and cold outside today, this was perfect. ![[thumb]](im/graemlins/thumb.gif)
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by weezie13 on November 04, 2004 12:29 AM
Ooooh~Ooooh, got
a recipe
for that chicken noodle soup
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

Ooooh~Ooooh, got
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by melcon6 on November 04, 2004 12:50 AM
Rough one, I threw a whole chicken breast in a pot (I only like white meat) covered with water and simmered for something like two hours. Pulled it out and picked it off the bone and threw the meat back in the pot. Peeled 5 carrots,sliced em and threw in . About 1 Tbs. of thyme leaves from the garden, chopped a little parsley, too. Cut up one good-sized head of broccoli into bite size florets, threw that in , simmer,simmer,simmer........taste, added three chicken bullion cubes.Put in a few handfulls of med. egg noodles cooked for 10 minutes while the rolls cooked.
Yum, yum burnt my tongue!!
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Yum, yum burnt my tongue!!
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by gardenmom32210 on November 05, 2004 05:40 AM
Albertsons had a "Mega" sale going on. Bacon wrapped Filet mignons for a buck a piece
They also had large Shrimp for $3.49 a pound. Can you guess what I cooked!
I grilled the steaks,sauteed the shrimp,baked potatos and made a salad. Even had a cake for dessert!
I grilled the steaks,sauteed the shrimp,baked potatos and made a salad. Even had a cake for dessert!
by melcon6 on November 05, 2004 11:49 AM
OH that sounds AWESOME !!
Around here, the large shrimp would run, at the least, $9.99 - $12.99lb.
And I love shrimp,now Maine shrimp which is wwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too small, (a little bit bigger than a langostino) Is only in season here about a month now , because of new fishing regs. but you can pick it up for $.99lb.![[Razz]](im/tongue.gif)
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And I love shrimp,now Maine shrimp which is wwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too small, (a little bit bigger than a langostino) Is only in season here about a month now , because of new fishing regs. but you can pick it up for $.99lb.
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by gardenmom32210 on November 07, 2004 03:14 PM
Today is my daughters(Kareena) 22nd B-Day. I'm having her and her boyfriend over for dinner. I'm gonna grill some more of those awesome steaks,probably grill some shrimp too,twice baked potatos,grilled veggies and of course some Cake and Ice Cream!
by afgreyparrot on November 07, 2004 05:49 PM
I'm gonna grill some more of those awesome steaks,probably grill some shrimp too,twice baked potatos,grilled veggies and of course some Cake and Ice Cream!
(Actually, just about burned them already thanks to the forum!)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
My smoke alarm went off before they burned, thank GOD!
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by gardenmom32210 on November 07, 2004 08:00 PM
quote:They make the best cooking timers!!
My smoke alarm went off before they burned
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
by afgreyparrot on November 07, 2004 08:11 PM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
(I thought at first it was an alarm telling me it was my turn to post on the forum...
...so I started to post something before I checked it out...then smelled SMOKE!)
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by gardenmom32210 on November 07, 2004 08:38 PM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)

![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
quote:Like YOU really need that!!!
an alarm telling me it was my turn to post
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
by weezie13 on November 08, 2004 02:49 AM
quote:That's tooooooooo funny!!!!
My smoke alarm went off before they burned
They make the best cooking timers!!
I think I have one of those too!!!
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by afgreyparrot on November 08, 2004 04:39 AM
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by weezie13 on November 08, 2004 05:29 AM
My smoke alarm would go off every time when
I would use the toaster!!!
(go figure...
And I am sooooooo short, that I would have to get a spatula or something of the likes to whack the turn off button to get it to stop....
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

I would use the toaster!!!
(go figure...
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
And I am sooooooo short, that I would have to get a spatula or something of the likes to whack the turn off button to get it to stop....
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by afgreyparrot on November 08, 2004 05:42 AM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
I'm pretty short, too!
And, had to replace my smoke alarm last week because I whacked it with a frying pan and knocked the whole thing off the ceiling!
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by weezie13 on November 08, 2004 05:54 AM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by gardenmom32210 on November 08, 2004 03:30 PM
by afgreyparrot on November 08, 2004 03:34 PM
We could take over the WORLD if we could REACH STUFF!
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
(Do you have a little step stool in your kitchen like I do?)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by gardenmom32210 on November 08, 2004 03:37 PM
quote:No...I'm quite adept at climbing on the counter to reach the top shelf
Do you have a little step stool in your kitchen like I do?
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
Search The Garden Helper:
Thought I'd put it back up again!!)
I made home made grilled cheese sam~iches,
*half Colby and half X~tra sharp cheese and some fine black pepper*
And home made Tomato/Beef Rice soup...
*water, beef boullion cubes, and a can of hunts tomato sauce, rice and some fine black pepper to taste.
The wee~one's are fickle, the one only eats
the tom. soup, the other only eats the sandwich,
I like the two together.
Go figure!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2