Perennial help
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by tkhooper on March 20, 2005 01:19 PM
I looked up tall perennials and found all kinds of things but I also ended up with alot of questions before I could figure out which one I would use. You know how much sun, how moist or dry are the conditions, how deep is the space she has behind the tiger lilies, one foot, 2 more? In your location do you need to lift the bulbs or can you over winter. And I'm assuming your lilies are 2 to 2 1/2 feet tall. Also is there a color theme in her garden? Is it all oranges, or is it alot of contrasting colors. Is this the last row of flowers or are there more behind that? Does she like a certain shape to her flowers I know I'm drawn to anything that looks like a cabbage rose or carnation (lol). Would a bush be better or would the pruning be way to much work?
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I looked up tall perennials and found all kinds of things but I also ended up with alot of questions before I could figure out which one I would use. You know how much sun, how moist or dry are the conditions, how deep is the space she has behind the tiger lilies, one foot, 2 more? In your location do you need to lift the bulbs or can you over winter. And I'm assuming your lilies are 2 to 2 1/2 feet tall. Also is there a color theme in her garden? Is it all oranges, or is it alot of contrasting colors. Is this the last row of flowers or are there more behind that? Does she like a certain shape to her flowers I know I'm drawn to anything that looks like a cabbage rose or carnation (lol). Would a bush be better or would the pruning be way to much work?
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by BFVISION on March 20, 2005 04:01 PM
Good Luck
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by weezie13 on March 20, 2005 05:00 PM
I'd have to say the same thing,
What's the growing conditions,
Full sun, shade.???
Dry, moist???
Those orange lilies *if it's the kind I'm
thinkin' of* can live just about in any condition.
Let us know!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
I'd have to say the same thing,
What's the growing conditions,
Full sun, shade.???
Dry, moist???
Those orange lilies *if it's the kind I'm
thinkin' of* can live just about in any condition.
Let us know!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by mike57 on March 20, 2005 06:24 PM
all if its the wild ornge day lilly you will need something tall in back of wild ornge ones grow real tall abought 5 feet for the shoots with lots of blooms.i also have some called double ornge its like 2 blooms in one.i agree with Weezie would need to know what type of growing condition sun or shade or bouth and what kinda lilly are they growing?i am sure someone on here could recamend a good back drop plant for them there are a lot of choices out there.i am so exsited its SPRING.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by rachel1964 on March 20, 2005 07:13 PM
the conditions are sun in the morning shade after about noon or so, and i do think they are the wild day lilies she has some tall bearded irises mixed in with them too, soil will need to be watered at least 1 time a week when it's not raining in the summer time and the lilies get about 3-4 feet tall she would like something with big blooms and lots of different colors, she has some kinda plant in the frount of them that is all white with no flowers on it it's like a border around everything it is only about a foot high. She lives in town and i will be here about 1 time a week to tend to the yard work, so pleas make it something simple as i have lots to do in my yard and in grandmas yard g-ma live out by me just have to go across the feild to her house about 1/2 mile. thanks
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by tkhooper on March 20, 2005 07:54 PM
Would hollyhocks work, they sure come in alot of colors and seem willing to grow just about anywhere. They reseed themselves so maybe?
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by rachel1964 on March 20, 2005 09:16 PM
that estabrooks sure has a long list to choose from but we just mmight find something there that will work not only with the colors she wants but the area that we have to work in too, been looking and am only at the (L) so far but have already got lots of ideas thanks alot for the link
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by tkhooper on March 21, 2005 12:04 AM
your so very welcome,
I just drool everytime i go in there.
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I just drool everytime i go in there.
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by Bestofour on March 21, 2005 02:38 AM
I have either Cleosia or Cleome, I can't remember which. They get tall, 4-5 feet, and are sort of whispy. They do tend to spread some though. I can look and send you some seeds if you want to try that.
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by frustratedattimes on March 21, 2005 02:26 PM
How about Canna Lillies? Mine were over 6 ft. tall last year, I have 2 different shades of red and a yellow. Not sure if they come in other colors though.
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I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them." John Wayne
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I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them." John Wayne
by tkhooper on March 21, 2005 03:19 PM
Oh my gosh hope mine won't do that. I planted them in a container. They sure do sound pretty though.
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Oh my gosh hope mine won't do that. I planted them in a container. They sure do sound pretty though.
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by mike57 on March 21, 2005 03:31 PM
all cannas might do very well there i agree with frustratedattimes mine also got abought 6 or 7 foot tall but not all varitys get that large.and yes there are diffrent colors.i have red, yellow, ornge ,pink, and a peach color.some varitys are veragated leves and colors.mine do best in full sun and real moist soil.your friend in gardening.mike57 ![[wayey]](im/graemlins/wavey.gif)
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by rachel1964 on March 21, 2005 08:13 PM
thanks for all the ideas she just needs to choose what she will like and what colors she wants so it's up to her now that i have passed on all the info all you gardeners are great
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