Why would anyone ever hurt a kitten?
For quite a while I've been meaning to editorialize a bit, and set the record straight about something. Contrary to what seems to be a popular belief,,,,we country dwellers DO NOT NEED more kittens and puppys dropped off at the end of our driveways.I am also sure that the patch of trees down the road doesn't need any kitties.
Time and time again I find these poor frightened critters dumped by inconsiderate,moronic a-holes. NO!!!! that kitten didn't find a new home. More likely, he was squashed on the road, or eaten by a predator. PLEASE!!!!! Use the good sense that God gave you and get your pets spayed or neutered. If you must get rid of an animal,please find him a loving home,,,,,please?
As an avid net browser, I check out a lot of animal pages, and I'm finding an increasing number of horror stories of animal abuse,,,,and find that the crud that torture and maim these animals get off with less that a slap on the wrist. It is time to change this, and demand that justice be done. Please sign the petitions linked here. I have signed both, and intend to make sure that that the public will hear more about this. Please sign now, then call your friends to ask them to sign.Come back again,,,