Hi there!!! I need some help!!!
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by weezie13 on March 09, 2005 07:47 PM
Can you tell us what kind of tree it is???
Also, I'm going to move your post in to the Plants and Flowers/ or maybe Landscaping,
Not sure, but you'll find it when I move it....
And there's a few arborist and landscapers here that maybe able to help you with your tree!!
And don't give up on your tree just yet,
there's always hope.... Wait!!!!
It maybe able to rejuvenate it's self....
or in it's nature to look icky before spring...
P/S Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum!!
We are very glad you found us!!!
There's lot's to do here and lot's of friendly folks to get to know...
*and lot's from Calif. too!!!*
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

Can you tell us what kind of tree it is???
Also, I'm going to move your post in to the Plants and Flowers/ or maybe Landscaping,
Not sure, but you'll find it when I move it....
And there's a few arborist and landscapers here that maybe able to help you with your tree!!
And don't give up on your tree just yet,
there's always hope.... Wait!!!!
It maybe able to rejuvenate it's self....
or in it's nature to look icky before spring...
P/S Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum!!
We are very glad you found us!!!
There's lot's to do here and lot's of friendly folks to get to know...
*and lot's from Calif. too!!!*
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by Elfinone on March 09, 2005 10:03 PM
I am with Weezie on this one. What kind of tree is it? Hopefully it is not completely dead. I have seen them come back to life after massive floods down by our cabin. Even have an old black walnut still living after being half bured up by a trailer fire on one of the lots.
What kind of tree?
What kind of tree?
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Transplanted by the company (with a three-month guarante), however, they gave me very bad instructions on the care and feeding of my new beauty! After two weeks, I find the leaves falling off...very quickly, turning brown very quickly, looking dead...very quickly. I call the guy, and he tells me I'm ignorant...watering it all wrong. He won't send anyone out to look at the tree, even if I paid a fee. So I nursed my baby back to health, finally came around, of course, near the end of the three month period around September. Looks great until....
Now it's November, and the rain and cold, very unusual weather hits here in California for the next few months. My tree again went brown, leaves fell off, and went through yet another shock!!!! Here we are 10 days from spring, and decide to get out there and prune her. The tree is dead from 3/4 up the main trunk. My husband says it's no good....I think she can be saved....
Anyone who can give me advice...PLEASE HELP.
I thought of taking a small bud from the branch of my other tree (same family), which by the way is absolutely georgeous...about 20 years old...and somehow transplanting it into the trunk of the other. I thought I saw that somewhere on some educational channel. Can someone direct me in the best direction? I don't want to loose this tree..I've grown quite attached. Not to mention she cost me $500.
* * * *
Have a beautiful and blessed day!