How and when to grow Snapdragon seeds?
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by tkhooper on September 19, 2005 05:12 AM
Storing in the paper evelope is perfect. I have one of those plastic coffee cans with a resealable lid that I stick all my seeds in that don't need special care. Snapdragons are real early bloomers so definitely 8 weeks before the last frost if your going to do it indoors and as soon as possible after the last frost if your going to sow outdoors. I'm not sure what USDA Zone Manchester, England might fall under lol.
I'm in Virginia, USA zone 7a. We get snow usually in January and it stays maybe 2 weeks. Then we might get a freak storm as late as early april sometimes. But usually it is done frosting by early March. So I'm going to try starting some miniature snapdragons that I have as early as late December indoors. Mother Nature will probably come by and slap my hand soundly for my impatience but I'm hoping beginners luck will carry me through.
It's nice meeting you Mrs D. And I hope you enjoy your garden bunches.
I'm in Virginia, USA zone 7a. We get snow usually in January and it stays maybe 2 weeks. Then we might get a freak storm as late as early april sometimes. But usually it is done frosting by early March. So I'm going to try starting some miniature snapdragons that I have as early as late December indoors. Mother Nature will probably come by and slap my hand soundly for my impatience but I'm hoping beginners luck will carry me through.
It's nice meeting you Mrs D. And I hope you enjoy your garden bunches.
by MRS.D on September 19, 2005 06:40 PM
Thank you so much for your info. Im a new gardener, recently retired (not by choice...have Lupus)so this was the first proper summer in the garden. 2 points..first...can I plant the seeds indoors i.e. in the greenhouse, next spring, or is that too late, and snapdragons have bloomed all summer, and are still blooming now, with more buds on!! lol Are mine flowering wrong?
Very nice to meet you too, and once again, thanks for all your help.
Take care
Very nice to meet you too, and once again, thanks for all your help.
Take care
by tkhooper on September 19, 2005 08:24 PM
A bloom is never wrong in my book lol. I'm going to say that your climate must be friendlier than mine is to the snapdragon. I've fought 90+ temperatures for the last 2 months and the snaps go summer dormant down here. Yeah I'm on disability and it looks like it may be permanent not fun. Definitely you can plant them in the sping. They will just mature later in the year. Mine are annuals here so of course I like to start them as early as possible so I get to see every possible bloom lol.
I just started gardening this year too and I found this site in March. If I hadn't found the forum I never would have made it through the first season. My little spot is on a slope and its clay and weeds pretty much. There is no water out there so I have to tote it from my apartment. And it is infested with those mimosa trees and roaches from the drains and ants. So it's been a real adventure getting flowers and soil on a small fixed budget.
I just started gardening this year too and I found this site in March. If I hadn't found the forum I never would have made it through the first season. My little spot is on a slope and its clay and weeds pretty much. There is no water out there so I have to tote it from my apartment. And it is infested with those mimosa trees and roaches from the drains and ants. So it's been a real adventure getting flowers and soil on a small fixed budget.
by weezie13 on September 19, 2005 08:33 PM
Mrs D.
Very nice to meet you!!!
We're very glad you found us..
Did you know what growing zone you are...??
I'm guessing a zone 7 or 8????
I know snapdragons' can over winter here,
in certain spots by the base of my house,
I'm a growing zone 5 but have over wintered many
things on that side of the house...
soooo what I might do is...
if you have extra seeds, do some experimenting..
***I love to experiment to see which way something might be the easiest, not only on me
but the plants/seeds as well...***
The first way I would try is to take some seeds
where you would like them and sprinkle them..
And do it in a couple of different places, they might perferr one place over the other or do good in each place...
You can sprinkle some, in some places and in others, you may want to scratch them ever so lightly into the soil or a light dusting of fine, very fine soil over the top, as the seeds are very tiny and don't need much covering...
That's two experiments..
Then take those other seeds and storem them like
Tammy paper envelopes and a tin can...
Works great!!!
In a cool place, not too hot or too cold..
Then in the spring time you can start some seeds in your greenhouse too..
And see which way was easiest for you and easiest for the seeds, which came up quicker, more, and healthier and which way you preferred...
And please, keep us posted on how you do,
to hear
about updates and how you did
that helps us all learn
and don't forget we still like to hear the good
and the not so good
That's what makes helping others so much fun!!!![[thumb]](im/graemlins/thumb.gif)
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Very nice to meet you!!!
We're very glad you found us..
Did you know what growing zone you are...??
I'm guessing a zone 7 or 8????
I know snapdragons' can over winter here,
in certain spots by the base of my house,
I'm a growing zone 5 but have over wintered many
things on that side of the house...
soooo what I might do is...
if you have extra seeds, do some experimenting..
***I love to experiment to see which way something might be the easiest, not only on me
but the plants/seeds as well...***
The first way I would try is to take some seeds
where you would like them and sprinkle them..
And do it in a couple of different places, they might perferr one place over the other or do good in each place...
You can sprinkle some, in some places and in others, you may want to scratch them ever so lightly into the soil or a light dusting of fine, very fine soil over the top, as the seeds are very tiny and don't need much covering...
That's two experiments..
Then take those other seeds and storem them like
Tammy paper envelopes and a tin can...
Works great!!!
In a cool place, not too hot or too cold..
Then in the spring time you can start some seeds in your greenhouse too..
And see which way was easiest for you and easiest for the seeds, which came up quicker, more, and healthier and which way you preferred...
And please, keep us posted on how you do,
That's what makes helping others so much fun!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by MRS.D on September 20, 2005 02:29 AM
wow!! thanks for the info, both of you. Am so pleased I found this site!! lol As well as being a new gardener, i'm new to the computer as well. Had to ask my son what to do!! So glad I did!! sorry to hear of your disability. I know what it feels like, so I send you all my love and thoughts. Thanks so much for your advice. By the By, if your apartment is on or near the ground floor, can you or someone "canabalise" a hose pipe so you can fix one end in your appartment and the other end in your garden? I wish we lived close coz my husband would have done it for you..hes great doing things like know, working out how to make it easier for you, and then putting it into practice. But i think Virginia may be a trifle far!! lol
WEEZIE.......fabulous ideas..experiments!! love them. Will def do both of the things you suggested, but i must remember to put down somewhere where ive done it!!
I live in Manchester, England, so we dont have zones here. We have the most diverse weather. Weve had snow in late April, can have all the weathers in one week....rain, sleet, snow, sun and wind. Weather forcasters now just usually say "mixed" weather, so they could mean anything!
Its September and cant believe ive got a whole bunch of crocus out under a big fuschia bush. They look fantastic, but thought they wouldnt come out til early next year!
Anyway, just a point, i know this probably sounds silly, but when i plant the seeds in pots, do i put a few in, a lot in or just one?
Many, many thanks both of you....ive even told my neighbour how great this site is
Take care sorry to hear of your disability. I know what it feels like, so I send you all my love and thoughts. Thanks so much for your advice. By the By, if your apartment is on or near the ground floor, can you or someone "canabalise" a hose pipe so you can fix one end in your appartment and the other end in your garden? I wish we lived close coz my husband would have done it for you..hes great doing things like know, working out how to make it easier for you, and then putting it into practice. But i think Virginia may be a trifle far!! lol
WEEZIE.......fabulous ideas..experiments!! love them. Will def do both of the things you suggested, but i must remember to put down somewhere where ive done it!!
I live in Manchester, England, so we dont have zones here. We have the most diverse weather. Weve had snow in late April, can have all the weathers in one week....rain, sleet, snow, sun and wind. Weather forcasters now just usually say "mixed" weather, so they could mean anything!
Its September and cant believe ive got a whole bunch of crocus out under a big fuschia bush. They look fantastic, but thought they wouldnt come out til early next year!
Anyway, just a point, i know this probably sounds silly, but when i plant the seeds in pots, do i put a few in, a lot in or just one?
Many, many thanks both of you....ive even told my neighbour how great this site is
Take care
by tkhooper on September 20, 2005 02:47 AM
This is the first place I go for planting and seed identification information. Of course I have to look up the scientific name first but I get there slowly.
My two groupings I got as starter plants this spring so I haven't gotten to sow any yet. I did let some of the seed pods ripen on the stem for a self seeding experiment. My soil is so clay-like I don't hold out much hope for that but I also have some I plan to do indoors. I've forgotten if they need light to germinate or need to be covered with a little dirt but I'll look it up before I sow them. I have some little plastic trays with lids and I'm going to put mine in there and then cover them with their clear plastic lids. I get them from the chinese delivery restuarant we have near by. I'll probably do like a rake technique for those.
I hope something is this way to long post helps at least a little. And thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm one level above the ground floor and on the opposite side of the building from the garden. When I am totting water I think a hose would be nice. But the rest of the time I know it would be a bad idea lol. Can you see a hose snaking its way here and yond on it's way to the garden lol. Sorry I have a very strange sense of humor.
This is the first place I go for planting and seed identification information. Of course I have to look up the scientific name first but I get there slowly.
My two groupings I got as starter plants this spring so I haven't gotten to sow any yet. I did let some of the seed pods ripen on the stem for a self seeding experiment. My soil is so clay-like I don't hold out much hope for that but I also have some I plan to do indoors. I've forgotten if they need light to germinate or need to be covered with a little dirt but I'll look it up before I sow them. I have some little plastic trays with lids and I'm going to put mine in there and then cover them with their clear plastic lids. I get them from the chinese delivery restuarant we have near by. I'll probably do like a rake technique for those.
I hope something is this way to long post helps at least a little. And thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm one level above the ground floor and on the opposite side of the building from the garden. When I am totting water I think a hose would be nice. But the rest of the time I know it would be a bad idea lol. Can you see a hose snaking its way here and yond on it's way to the garden lol. Sorry I have a very strange sense of humor.
by MRS.D on September 20, 2005 04:35 AM
great help....thanks hoop
Never even thought of chinese take-away cartons, what a great idea. Ive been looking at all different containers i could put a hole through the bottom and use for seedlings...ive got quite a collection of weird and wonderful things...even an empty burger box which ive scrubbed!! lol
And no, i dont think youve got a strange sense of humour....when i read the end bit about the hose, it did make me smile
We may have the same strange sense of humour!!
Now theres a thought! lol
Anyway, thanks again, and i shall update when i go to the next step
take care
Never even thought of chinese take-away cartons, what a great idea. Ive been looking at all different containers i could put a hole through the bottom and use for seedlings...ive got quite a collection of weird and wonderful things...even an empty burger box which ive scrubbed!! lol
And no, i dont think youve got a strange sense of humour....when i read the end bit about the hose, it did make me smile
We may have the same strange sense of humour!!
Now theres a thought! lol
Anyway, thanks again, and i shall update when i go to the next step
take care
by JustAGirl on September 24, 2005 07:47 AM
You know I always have a hard time growing snapdragons. I have planted so many seeds with only one or two popping up. I have one really hearty plant in my do I harvest the seeds?
by MRS.D on September 25, 2005 01:42 AM
hi justagirl, how nice to meet you.
Its the first time i've harvested the snapdragon seeds, so i'll tell you what i did.
Leave the dead flowers on the stems, dont deadhead them, until they drop off on their own and then you will see the pods...which will be green.
You then have to wait until the pods turn brown and dry.(they look a little crispy)
Be very careful you get them in time, because they can burst, and you'll lose all the seeds.
If you can, cut the whole stem with brown dry pods on them, (I put the paper underneath the stem whilst i cut it), and very carefully put on a piece of paper and leave in a dry, warm environment, away from direct sunlight and any breeze. I left mine on a kitchen worktop....away from food of course!! lol.
The next day, gently tap the stem on the paper...I used white paper so you can see the tiny seeds...and they will all drop out.
Place the seeds in a paper envelope , seal and wirte the name of the seeds on the envelope and put them in an airtight jar away form direct sunlight.
The should be ready then to plant when needed.
Hope this helps.
Keep in touch so I know how you got on.
Take care
Its the first time i've harvested the snapdragon seeds, so i'll tell you what i did.
Leave the dead flowers on the stems, dont deadhead them, until they drop off on their own and then you will see the pods...which will be green.
You then have to wait until the pods turn brown and dry.(they look a little crispy)
Be very careful you get them in time, because they can burst, and you'll lose all the seeds.
If you can, cut the whole stem with brown dry pods on them, (I put the paper underneath the stem whilst i cut it), and very carefully put on a piece of paper and leave in a dry, warm environment, away from direct sunlight and any breeze. I left mine on a kitchen worktop....away from food of course!! lol.
The next day, gently tap the stem on the paper...I used white paper so you can see the tiny seeds...and they will all drop out.
Place the seeds in a paper envelope , seal and wirte the name of the seeds on the envelope and put them in an airtight jar away form direct sunlight.
The should be ready then to plant when needed.
Hope this helps.
Keep in touch so I know how you got on.
Take care
by JustAGirl on September 27, 2005 02:20 AM
Thanks MRS.D! I'll have to go out the backyard and take a look at my plant to see if I can see any pods. I'll let you know how the harvesting goes. ![[flower]](im/graemlins/flower.gif)
by tkhooper on September 27, 2005 03:40 AM
I'm retired the hard way too and if it wasn't for the garden I'm not sure what I would do. It keeps me going when I would have cabin fever so bad I can't stand the apartment or me lol. I hope we all have a great big success with the snapdragons. I'm crossing my fingers and my toes that they sprout and grow tall and strong for all of us.
by MRS.D on September 29, 2005 04:09 AM
HOOP, sorry to hear you've had to retire under similar circumstances. It's not easy, is it?
But i do agree with you about having the garden as a welcome distraction.
This was my first proper summer in the garden. When my joints would let me, I was out there planting and enjoying the wildlife. All my neighbours have commented on the wonderful show of bloome i've had.....and still got!! I must be doing something right lol
A lot of my plants are from the sale or discount rack. My husband says its me being a big softie!!
I feel sorry for them, so buy them, give them 'a haircut'...trim them down!!, plant them with some good feed, and talk to them regularly, telling them that they're doing really well!!
And voila...i've been lucky enough to have some amazing recoveries giving us enormous pleasure from fabulous blooms.
Its a bit like flying by the seat of your pants, dont really know what im doing, but learning all the time lol.
I do know that had i not had that interest in the garden, i would have felt a lot worse within myself, but i think it gives you a purpose to get up, get the old sloppy-joe comfy clothes on, and take care of the babies in the garden. It has really helped me enormously, and i'm so glad it has done the same for you.
Take care of yourself, and talk to you soon
But i do agree with you about having the garden as a welcome distraction.
This was my first proper summer in the garden. When my joints would let me, I was out there planting and enjoying the wildlife. All my neighbours have commented on the wonderful show of bloome i've had.....and still got!! I must be doing something right lol
A lot of my plants are from the sale or discount rack. My husband says its me being a big softie!!
I feel sorry for them, so buy them, give them 'a haircut'...trim them down!!, plant them with some good feed, and talk to them regularly, telling them that they're doing really well!!
And voila...i've been lucky enough to have some amazing recoveries giving us enormous pleasure from fabulous blooms.
Its a bit like flying by the seat of your pants, dont really know what im doing, but learning all the time lol.
I do know that had i not had that interest in the garden, i would have felt a lot worse within myself, but i think it gives you a purpose to get up, get the old sloppy-joe comfy clothes on, and take care of the babies in the garden. It has really helped me enormously, and i'm so glad it has done the same for you.
Take care of yourself, and talk to you soon
by slredmond on September 30, 2005 12:08 AM
Mrs. D - I'm with you - I head right for the "crash and dent" carts because I feel sorry for them too! Sure saves a ton of money and I've had every one come back.
Question for ya'll about seed saving. Is it OK to store in plastic zip-lock bags? One thing I read (an eBay ad) said the static can destroy the seed embryo. Any thoughts?
* * * *
Sandy R.
Question for ya'll about seed saving. Is it OK to store in plastic zip-lock bags? One thing I read (an eBay ad) said the static can destroy the seed embryo. Any thoughts?
* * * *
Sandy R.
by weezie13 on September 30, 2005 12:36 AM
I usually do mailing envelopes....
little one's and the legal sized ones....
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
little one's and the legal sized ones....
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by slredmond on September 30, 2005 04:11 AM
OK - thanks Weezie.
* * * *
Sandy R.
* * * *
Sandy R.
by weezie13 on September 30, 2005 04:34 AM
Did you happen to see this post???
There's a bunch of links there..
Found just about everyone we could..
*if you know of one, feel free to post it*
And there's a great way to do it, when you see
the one's you like, print it off then...
and save the sheet if you want... then when winter's here, or a rainy day, or watchin' a movie or whatever, then cut them out at your leisure and you can even paste them together another time..
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
There's a bunch of links there..
Found just about everyone we could..
*if you know of one, feel free to post it*
And there's a great way to do it, when you see
the one's you like, print it off then...
and save the sheet if you want... then when winter's here, or a rainy day, or watchin' a movie or whatever, then cut them out at your leisure and you can even paste them together another time..
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by ashley1 on September 30, 2005 08:18 AM
there are two different types of snapdragons, summer snapdragons and fall snapdragons- they flowers look different, which ones are yall talking about?
* * * *
Plants are awesome!!
* * * *
Plants are awesome!!
by tkhooper on September 30, 2005 09:43 PM
I worry about the plastic causing condensation so I use paper for storing my seeds. It could be a needless worry I've had seeds sent to me in plastic and they seem fine.
Ashley I don't know about the different type of snapdragon you are discussing. Maybe if you use their scientific name or post a picture someone will be able to help you.
I have the little miniature ones that fall over and then make spirals all up and down their trunk. And I really like the way four of them planted together make a very small bushy arrangement.
Ashley I don't know about the different type of snapdragon you are discussing. Maybe if you use their scientific name or post a picture someone will be able to help you.
I have the little miniature ones that fall over and then make spirals all up and down their trunk. And I really like the way four of them planted together make a very small bushy arrangement.
by MRS.D on October 01, 2005 06:03 PM
Nice to hear from you Sandy, and pleased there are others out there like me who take pity on the plants and shrubs that don't look so good!!
With reference to people, I have been brought up not to 'judge a book by its cover', so as a new gardener, I am taking the same stance with the plants and shrubs!!
As to your question on the plastic zip-lock bags, one thing i've learned from this site is to experiment........why don't you try some seeds in the normal paper envelopes, and just try a few in the plastic zip-lock bags?
That way you'll know from first hand experience.
If it works, thats great.....
and if not.....then you'll know not to use that method again, and only wasted a few seeds.
Would love to know the outcome, if you don't mind.
Take care
With reference to people, I have been brought up not to 'judge a book by its cover', so as a new gardener, I am taking the same stance with the plants and shrubs!!
As to your question on the plastic zip-lock bags, one thing i've learned from this site is to experiment........why don't you try some seeds in the normal paper envelopes, and just try a few in the plastic zip-lock bags?
That way you'll know from first hand experience.
If it works, thats great.....
and if not.....then you'll know not to use that method again, and only wasted a few seeds.
Would love to know the outcome, if you don't mind.
Take care
by Karrie on October 05, 2005 06:50 AM
I went to office depo they had these great little gold enveloped about 3 inches long and 2 wide. They work great. And cost 2 cents apeice. Ya cant beat it.
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It doesn't matter where you go in life... It's who you have beside you when you get there.
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by Bill on February 14, 2012 09:50 PM
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