Daylillies not budding?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by rozy221 on June 22, 2005 11:14 AM
Hi All!
I'm wondering why my daylillies aren't budding. Everywhere I look, I see plants with buds-but not mine. I moved them earlier this spring-probably later than I should have-they were about 12" high-could that be why? I also have them in only 1/2 sun-could that be a problem? Thanks for the help!
by mike57 on June 23, 2005 03:19 AM
Hi rozy you might have shocked them when you moved them.and if you devided them they may not bloom till next year.but if you did not devide them they should bloom ok. but it might take awhile longer.daylillies in the shade bloom later than the ones in a sunny location.also some varitys will bloom at diffrent times.just give them time i think they will bloom if you did not devide them.i live in alabama and mine are just now starting to bloom real well.hope this helps just be patient with them.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by rozy221 on June 23, 2005 05:33 AM
Thanks for the encouragement Mike! I didn't divide them. Maybe they are a different variety than many of the ones I see-I bought them rather late in the season last year when many others were already done blooming, and these were still going. Guess I'll wait and see, and if not, there's always next year. Thanks again!
by mike57 on June 23, 2005 04:51 PM
Your very welcome anytime.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by PAB on June 27, 2005 06:30 AM
Dear rozy 221,
Hi. I live in Arkansas and this is the first year I planted daylillies, Stella de Ora. I planted them at the beginning of May and they are now just starting to bloom beautifully.
I also was concerned with no blooms at first but after reading more about them I found out that by fertilizing them along with my other flowers I was encouring the foliage to grow not the blooms. I stopped fertilizing them and saw a difference within two weeks. Also I cut the stems to the bottom of the plant when they are finished blooming to avoid seed pods and promote more buds.
Hope I helped
Hi. I live in Arkansas and this is the first year I planted daylillies, Stella de Ora. I planted them at the beginning of May and they are now just starting to bloom beautifully.
I also was concerned with no blooms at first but after reading more about them I found out that by fertilizing them along with my other flowers I was encouring the foliage to grow not the blooms. I stopped fertilizing them and saw a difference within two weeks. Also I cut the stems to the bottom of the plant when they are finished blooming to avoid seed pods and promote more buds.
Hope I helped
by Bestofour on June 27, 2005 08:39 AM
Daylillies like to be left alone. Alot of stuff in my yard died during our years of drought but the daylillies kept right on keeping on. I don't want or fertilize mine. I do try to keep the weeds out and last year to help with this I mulched them. Your flowers are waiting until everyone elses have stopped blooming so they can shine alone.
I've never cut off the dead flower to make more buds. Should I be doing that?
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I've never cut off the dead flower to make more buds. Should I be doing that?
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by mike57 on June 27, 2005 11:28 PM
heres a photo of one of my daylilly beds just now in full bloom.i have a ornge canna lilly growing in the middel of the bed when the daylillys quit bloomin the canna lilly will start to bloom si i have blooms in the bed all summer.
your friend in gardening.mike57
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your friend in gardening.mike57
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