Thanksgiving cacti blooming again!
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by MissJamie on March 24, 2006 06:04 AM
wow! that's sooo pretty! I'll have to keep my eyes out for that one
the last one is a christmas cactus isn't it?
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*~*Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.
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*~*Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.
by plants 'n pots on March 24, 2006 06:22 AM
I think they are both actually Thanksgiving cacti, Jamie - that's when the pink one has always bloomed.
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by Triss on March 24, 2006 06:36 AM
Lynne, Those are soooo pretty!!!
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by margaret e. pell on March 24, 2006 07:46 AM
Lynne, I have one that blooms that yellowish with pink undertones, too. I call it Rita's Yellow, because a woman named Rita gave me the segments I started it from. Nice to see it here!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by cinta on March 24, 2006 08:20 AM
That is pretty. I want to find a yellow. It seems like they are all pink or red.
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If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!!
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If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!!
by TomR on March 25, 2006 09:33 PM
I have a xmas cactus that is blooming for the second time this season. Congrats on the yellow, I've been looking for a yellow myself...
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My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
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My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
by plants 'n pots on March 25, 2006 10:36 PM
thanks all! Here it is in full bloom today - unfortunately this is the best picture I could get with my cheapo camera...

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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"

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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by joclyn on March 26, 2006 01:16 PM
they're randomly called thanksgiving cactus, christmas cactus and easter cactus because they happen to bloom around those holidays.
i was given quite a few by friends who were moving and couldn't transport them (they were driving across country). they weren't in good shape and i managed to get them all back to good health (and blooming). then i lost them all due to lack of care when i was working way too much. which is pretty bad, since we're talking about succulents here!!
i've never seen a yellow flower - just the pink and red. one of the plants she gave me tho, had a purple tinge to the leaves (red flowers). it was really beautiful! i miss that one the most (it's the only one i've ever seen with that purple tinge).
i was given quite a few by friends who were moving and couldn't transport them (they were driving across country). they weren't in good shape and i managed to get them all back to good health (and blooming). then i lost them all due to lack of care when i was working way too much. which is pretty bad, since we're talking about succulents here!!
i've never seen a yellow flower - just the pink and red. one of the plants she gave me tho, had a purple tinge to the leaves (red flowers). it was really beautiful! i miss that one the most (it's the only one i've ever seen with that purple tinge).
by plants 'n pots on March 27, 2006 12:16 AM
quote:Hiya Jocyln
they're randomly called thanksgiving cactus, christmas cactus and easter cactus because they happen to bloom around those holidays.
They are definitely not RANDOMLY called those names because of when they bloom. They are each actually a different plant, with different leaves and flowers.
Here is a link with pictures that explains each of the plants with their very different scientific names.
Schlumbergera buckleyi = Christmas cactus
Schlumbergera truncata = Thanksgiving cactus
Rhipsaldopsis gaertnert = Easter cactus
Click here --------> holiday cacti
Hope that helps to clear up any confusion about these very different plants.
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by joclyn on March 27, 2006 11:27 AM
okay. thanks for the clarification!
hmmm...from what that site says, what i've always had are the thanksgiving cactus (no points on the leaves)...they always bloomed at christmas and later but not earlier than mid-december, tho.
my friend gave me some of what that site says are christmas cactus (points on the leaves). they bloomed from november on tho.
the easter rose looks lovely!!! i'll have to look around and see if i can find one of them!!
hmmm...from what that site says, what i've always had are the thanksgiving cactus (no points on the leaves)...they always bloomed at christmas and later but not earlier than mid-december, tho.
my friend gave me some of what that site says are christmas cactus (points on the leaves). they bloomed from november on tho.
the easter rose looks lovely!!! i'll have to look around and see if i can find one of them!!
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First time for this small one to bloom ever - I didn't know what color it would be and am thrilled that it's a yellow! Will hopefully take another pic when it is fully open - wanted to catch it today in case the flower falls off, as it often likes to do...
This is my oldie but goodie -
I've had it about 8 years now and it blooms at least twice a year.
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"