Tasmanian tree fern
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by obywan59 on October 30, 2006 03:37 PM
Spudbaz, I don't know if you're still with us, but here is a link discussing winter protection of tree ferns. I am also interested in growing hardy tropicals and had looked into tree ferns as a possibility. I would probably have to use heating cables where I live, as I am in zone 6.
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I have a tasmanian tree fern it has a 3 ft trunk and I need advice on how to winter it
it has about a dozen fronds still all green and growing but it has become very cold here the last few days so am getting a bit worried about the frost killing it off
do I have to cut all the fronds back to the base and then cover it or do I let the fronds die back first
any help/advice would be apreciated