bananas have taken over
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by may4 on September 27, 2006 11:15 AM
We live in toasty Houston, Texas. We transplanted 6 banana trees from a home in Galveston, and now they have multiplied to around 75. Although we get delicious bananas from them, they have become a terrible menace. I need a suggestion for getting rid of them. Of course, I chop them down with the machete, but they spring right back. I tried spraying Round Up on their stumps, but that didn't work.
by Jiffymouse on October 01, 2006 04:04 AM
when you cut them down, if you do it when it is sunny, you can pour vinegar on the stumps. that will burn/kill the one you pour it on. but, i'm guessing that the bananas are very happy there. do you mind if i ask what kind they are, and how you overwinter them? i want a banana tree very much!
by angelblossom on October 01, 2006 04:50 AM
Wow May4 That a lot of nanna's there!! I'm in the Dallas area I sure wich I could take a couple of theose trees off your hands!
I understand that if you cut them low to the ground and tied a dark bag to the stump and keep it tightly covered so no air gets to it eventually it will just rott away
I did do that to a couple of shrubs I couldn't pull out or dig out, I had to keep putting bags over it because it took almost 6 months before it started to rott eventually I was able to just dig up the remains. but we're talking tree verses a bush here
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

I understand that if you cut them low to the ground and tied a dark bag to the stump and keep it tightly covered so no air gets to it eventually it will just rott away
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by Longy on October 01, 2006 08:33 PM
You need to dig out the base if you want to quickly remove a plant. The individual suckers can be cut off then kerosene poured into the centre but i don't know how effective it is. Maybe an afternoon with a backhoe would be easiest. About $60 or so an hour....
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