looking for a non-fruit tree
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by peppereater on June 06, 2006 02:15 PM
There are loads of possibilities, but in your area, I'm thinking Sugar Maples, Beech and maybe something like Sour Gum would do well? Some of the oaks, but they're so slow to grow, and some people HATE all the acorns they drop. Most trees have some drawback. Another tree I like is the Tulip Poplar, I think they like your zone. Let's see what folks in your zone like...
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Even my growlights are getting restless!
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Even my growlights are getting restless!
by Longy on June 07, 2006 07:03 AM
I suggest you take a drive around and look at what is growing well in your area that you like the look of. If you're not sure what it is, post a foto here, someone should be able to ID for you.
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The secret is the soil.
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The secret is the soil.
by Wrennie on June 07, 2006 09:27 AM
I have 3 ash saplings that popped up in my flower gardens. You are welcome to them if you want them. (I just need to be paid back for postage) They are small. About 10" tall. I don't know if thats too small with kids running around the yard, or a watch it grow experience in the making.
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summer camp thread 1, 2, 3,4
by cdz81378 on June 07, 2006 11:43 PM
I have a Bonfire Dwarf Flowering Peach tree and I think it is really pretty. It has vibrant purple leaves when not in bloom. I am not sure if it works in your zone but I found this pic to show you..
Then another tree that I thought would be pretty for your yard is a willow oak. Its not a fruit tree but is very popular where I live. Here is a pic I found..
BTW: Good Luck in your new home

Then another tree that I thought would be pretty for your yard is a willow oak. Its not a fruit tree but is very popular where I live. Here is a pic I found..

BTW: Good Luck in your new home
by joclyn on June 08, 2006 03:43 PM
tulip tree was my first thought. they are pretty fast growers; are really good for shade; grow a straight trunk that doesn't get too wide (about 4 feet or so) and they don't have a lot of branches down low on the trunk. the canopy might be too wide for the space you have tho...not sure about that and it wouldn't matter anyway, once the tree was tall enough for the canopy to be at/above the roofline.
the best thing to do has already been suggested: take a look around the neighborhood and see what you like...you'll know for sure it will grow in your area
the best thing to do has already been suggested: take a look around the neighborhood and see what you like...you'll know for sure it will grow in your area
by RugbyHukr on June 09, 2006 02:14 AM
Do you want a tall tree or something small & ornamental. If you want ornamental, flowering crabapple is a very nice tree that stays under 20 feet.
If you want something more artistic in trunk growth, amur maple is nice & has beautiful fall color.
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I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
If you want something more artistic in trunk growth, amur maple is nice & has beautiful fall color.
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I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
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Search The Garden Helper:
we want to plant a tree in the front corner of our yard (corner lot house) and we will eventually get a fence up, maybe not this year ut next year for certain
i wil post a before and after of the yard...any recommendations will be appreciated
we know we want a non-fruit tree (we an deal with tiny fruit, but we have 2 kids that are under 4 this year so we dont need weapons)
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