Sweet Potato Croquettes
Willy's Place » Members Favorite Recipes
by obywan59 on January 23, 2006 04:46 PM
That sounds good Tammy, and I had a great crop of sweet potatoes last year too!! ![[thumb]](im/graemlins/thumb.gif)
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May the force be with you
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May the force be with you
by tkhooper on January 23, 2006 09:59 PM
WTG Terry,
I don't have enough room for sweet potatoes. But you can bet I get them at the market. They are a wonderful food.
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I don't have enough room for sweet potatoes. But you can bet I get them at the market. They are a wonderful food.
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3 Tbsp. Melted butter
1 Teas. Vanilla
1/2 Cup chopped blackwalnuts
1 cup seedless raisins
2 Tbsp. Brown sugar
1 egg beaten
1 cup crushed cornflakes
Wash potatoes well and boil them in their jackets until a fork pierces them. Then peel and mash until lumps are removed. To this add melted butter, vanilla, black walnuts, seedless raisins and brown sugar. Add corn starch to thicken until it can be molded. Mold into 2" croquettes. Dip in beaten egg. Roll in chrused cereal. Place on buttered baking sheet in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes or until light brown. Remove croquettes from sheet with spatula and lift to platter.
Yield: 8 croquettes
NOTE: When thickening be very careful to only add a little bit of the corn starch and then stir well. It can take a while for the cornstarch to take affect.
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