white powdery mildew
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by tiv444 on May 31, 2006 01:26 PM
Help!! I just discovered a white powdery mildew and some puckered leaves on my one year old River Birch. This is my first adventure with a birch tree, and I have no idea how to remedy...neighbor said try dish soap diluted with water and spray??? any suggestions???
by Mrs.Bradley on June 02, 2006 03:27 AM
Hey Tiv, I am treating my roses for poedery mildew.
take 1 gallon of H2O, add 1 tbsp dish soap, 1tbspveggie oil, and 1 tbsp baking soda, once carefully mixed, add to spray bottle, you can spray this every other day (more if you want...its not harmful)
just be sure to spray in the AM. my roses only took about 2 treatments and the mildew is pretty much gone. but I caught it early. yours may take a little longer depending on how bad it is.
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take 1 gallon of H2O, add 1 tbsp dish soap, 1tbspveggie oil, and 1 tbsp baking soda, once carefully mixed, add to spray bottle, you can spray this every other day (more if you want...its not harmful)
just be sure to spray in the AM. my roses only took about 2 treatments and the mildew is pretty much gone. but I caught it early. yours may take a little longer depending on how bad it is.
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by connickfan on June 06, 2006 10:05 AM
Thanks for the recipe! I think I'm having this problem on one of my crepe myrtles.
One question....if the mixture gets on any other plants will it harm them? I have hostas, daylilies, irisis, blue hawaii and calla lillies underneath the trees.
One question....if the mixture gets on any other plants will it harm them? I have hostas, daylilies, irisis, blue hawaii and calla lillies underneath the trees.
by Mrs.Bradley on June 06, 2006 04:49 PM
no,it wont hurt them as long as you dont spray when the sun is beating down, as that would burn leaves and/or flowers
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