Perennial plants in containers?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by tkhooper on July 16, 2006 01:44 AM
You may want to bury the pots in the soil. In order to protect the roots from cold temperatures. Other than that it should work just fine. As long as you bury the pots in the ground I don't think it's going to matter what kind of pot they are in. But someone will know much better than me.
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by Mrs.Bradley on July 16, 2006 07:04 AM
I decided to plant into the ground,finally rather than have everything I own on the deck,but the plants I couldn't bear to part with should we ever move, I kept in pots. such as blue star creeper. I just buried it pot and all in my clay soil. that way, if we leave, I wont stress it by digging it up.
burying the pot was a great if you dont want to wait,like me, keep the containers,just bury them.=)
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burying the pot was a great if you dont want to wait,like me, keep the containers,just bury them.=)
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by netwiz on July 16, 2006 10:37 AM
Thank you for the advice Tkhooper and Mrs. Bradley. Should I repot into larger pots first to make sure there is room for root growth or do you think they should be fine in the original? I will probably check each one and just judge on how root bound they look. I can't wait to start shopping for shade plants now!!!
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