Hummingbird and Butterfly flowers
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by Bill on March 01, 2006 09:07 AM
The only plant I am unsure of would be the Dahlias. The rest should flourish in containers as long as they get enough water!
I like to grow hanging Fuchsias in 10 inch hanging baskets, but don't forget the uprights for growing in tubs (with good drainage).
Keep in mind that perennials will require a larger container than the annual plants.
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I like to grow hanging Fuchsias in 10 inch hanging baskets, but don't forget the uprights for growing in tubs (with good drainage).
Keep in mind that perennials will require a larger container than the annual plants.
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by BeckyB on March 01, 2006 09:16 AM
Thank you Bill!
Actually, after you mentioned fuchsias, I remembered my aunt used to hang some for the hummers. They were so beautiful. I'm going to look for some tomorrow.
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
Actually, after you mentioned fuchsias, I remembered my aunt used to hang some for the hummers. They were so beautiful. I'm going to look for some tomorrow.
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
by barleychown on March 01, 2006 09:18 AM
My dahlias do awesome in containers every year, surrounded by annuals, because I have to dig the tubers every fall and store them for the winter.
Just keep an eye out for slugs and snails...dahlias seem to be on their favorites list. ![[Mad]](im/mad.gif)
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We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
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We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
by jonni13 on March 01, 2006 09:22 AM
My Dahlias do fabulous in containers too. And I don't have to dig them for winter. But find them easier to handle in containers.
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Getting old is the pits. But it sure beats the alternative. My Blog
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Getting old is the pits. But it sure beats the alternative. My Blog
by BeckyB on March 02, 2006 02:46 AM
Are Fuchsias aka Bleeding Hearts?
Also, can either be started from seed somewhat easily?
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
Also, can either be started from seed somewhat easily?
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
by Bill on March 02, 2006 03:04 AM
Bleeding Heart is Dicentra spectabilis.
Sow the seeds outdoors in late fall or early winter, or indoors, you have to put the seeds in soil and freeze them for 6 weeks. Germination takes 30 days at 60*.

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Sow the seeds outdoors in late fall or early winter, or indoors, you have to put the seeds in soil and freeze them for 6 weeks. Germination takes 30 days at 60*.

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by BeckyB on March 02, 2006 05:01 AM
Bill, You take the most beautiful pics!
Would I be able to grow them in smaller pots to bring indoors when it gets colder?
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
Would I be able to grow them in smaller pots to bring indoors when it gets colder?
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
by MissJamie on March 03, 2006 03:47 PM
wow bill! that is a GREAT pic! I have never seen them that close up before and didn't know they resembled a heart so much!
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*~*Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.
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*~*Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.
by porter57 on March 09, 2006 10:26 AM
i dont think fusschias are the same as bleeding hearts. ive planted 2 bleeding hearts last fall
and am looking forward to seeing them this year on the shady side of my house. they had a growth spurt with much leafing out but a hard freeze came along and knocked em back down. hope it didnt wreck em for this year
and am looking forward to seeing them this year on the shady side of my house. they had a growth spurt with much leafing out but a hard freeze came along and knocked em back down. hope it didnt wreck em for this year
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine