re: potting a plant
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by guynvb on May 21, 2005 03:45 AM
Today I bought a new perennial and new pot and placed it at my front door. I had not realized this plant was so large and I really think it needs a large pot. I was wondering if it is possible to cut the roots a bit and then repot. The plant in question is the purple one in front. I really appreciate your feedback.

by tkhooper on May 21, 2005 12:21 PM
Hi neighbor,
I live in Virginia too. Is that an astible(sp)? I don't know about your plant I'm sorry I'm just starting to learn about gardening. But I love your pots those are nice.
I live in Virginia too. Is that an astible(sp)? I don't know about your plant I'm sorry I'm just starting to learn about gardening. But I love your pots those are nice.
by pcgrav on May 21, 2005 03:55 PM
A consideration--- look up the type of plant it is here on the site. Some plants grow better somewhat rootbound; others do not. Decision to repot it would be better based on that info rather than what it looks like. Of course plants can get TOO root bound and they will stop growing. To better answer your question I would need to know what kind of plant it is...
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by Katb on May 21, 2005 03:59 PM
Yep thats an asible & they do better in a large place as big as this one is it might not be a good idea to cut on the roots, their a shade plant & love cool damp soil they spread alot so it would do better in a bed , they,ll grow in sun but not well flower shops use their leafs as a filler for their fresh cut arrangments they call it leather leaf they last a long time in a vase I grow mine in rock beds where its damp they dont like soggy soil only damp & cool this is a great plant.
by Francine on May 21, 2005 06:34 PM
hi Guy,
sorry i don t have an answer for you but i m just writing to tell you i love you plants,very nice and your pots are superb.
what is that gorgous plant nxt to your s so pretty with it s little tiny red flowers.
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sorry i don t have an answer for you but i m just writing to tell you i love you plants,very nice and your pots are superb.
what is that gorgous plant nxt to your s so pretty with it s little tiny red flowers.
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by Bill on May 21, 2005 06:50 PM
by tkhooper on May 21, 2005 07:02 PM
I am amazed Bill I didn't think there was anything that you didn't have.
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