Lentil Soup
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by tkhooper on November 17, 2005 04:35 AM
Thankyou for the lentel soup recipe.
I am looking for cheap substitutes for meat and lentel is a good one but the musty flavor overwhelmed my first attempt. I look forward to trying your recipe. If you have any others for lentels please let me know.
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I am looking for cheap substitutes for meat and lentel is a good one but the musty flavor overwhelmed my first attempt. I look forward to trying your recipe. If you have any others for lentels please let me know.
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by Merme on November 19, 2005 06:02 AM
Dave ~ I used to have a recipe for Lemon Lentil that was very good. Have you ever seen one?
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"In the midst of winter, I learned there lives in me an invincible summer" Camus (maybe a paraphrase)
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"In the midst of winter, I learned there lives in me an invincible summer" Camus (maybe a paraphrase)
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1 lb. lintels (any type), rinsed, drained.
2 med potatoes, cut into 3/4 inch cubes
2 carrots
2stalks celery
I med. onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1 small bayleaf
1 Tbs. soy sauce or 1/2 tsp. salt
3 Tbs., more or less, olive oil
5 cups water (I'm guessing here...enough to make the lentil "soupy" rather than thick? Enough to cover lentils to something over twice their depth. It's been a while.)
Dice veggies. In med. saucepan, heat olive oil 'til shimmering, add onions and potatoes. cook until onions begin to brown, Add veg's. Saute briefly.
Add garlic, stir. Add lentils, then water. Bring to full boil, reduce heat, add bay leaf, and simmer, covered, 35 to 45 minutes, stirring only a few times. As lentils begin to get tender, add salt or soy, simmer until done. Serve with french bread, buttered, or with sliced Gouda or cheddar cheese.