"The Birds" have arrived
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by Thornius on February 12, 2006 09:11 AM
STAY IN THE HOUSE!!! The minute you step outside they will attack you and peck out your eyes!!!
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
by Thornius on February 12, 2006 09:14 AM
Actually this is normal for this time of year. They will soon move off to pester someone else.
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
by loz on February 12, 2006 10:17 AM
They've been bad here too....some days it's my yard...other days there flocked in my neighbors yard....as long as their out their eating bad stuff I don't mind....
They do eat grubs and stuff right?
They do eat grubs and stuff right?
by afgreyparrot on February 12, 2006 12:32 PM
I've been feeding them.....
Lola loves to hear them making their bird noises.
They cleaned the feeder out twice today and ate 6 suet cakes.
Better go make some more suet cakes.....![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
Lola loves to hear them making their bird noises.
They cleaned the feeder out twice today and ate 6 suet cakes.
Better go make some more suet cakes.....
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by ChristinaC on February 12, 2006 12:48 PM
STAY IN THE HOUSE!!! The minute you step outside they will attack you and peck out your eyes!!!
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by mrsmessy on February 13, 2006 10:17 PM
quote:I just knew that would happen....
STAY IN THE HOUSE!!! The minute you step outside they will attack you and peck out your eyes!!!
Apparently they have already moved on before I was able to videotape the nightmare. I have a neighbor who is terrified of birds (?) and I was hoping to entertain her - maybe next year.
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by weezie13 on February 14, 2006 02:52 AM
quote:As soon as I was reading that, I could see that movie and hear those birds squawking in the background???
Originally posted by Thornius:
STAY IN THE HOUSE!!! The minute you step outside they will attack you and peck out your eyes!!!
You are toooooo funnyyyyy!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by loz on February 15, 2006 01:48 AM
Guess what?
I was standing in the kitchen and heard some distinct bird noises that even I recognize...
I looked out the window, and yep--sure enough there were 2 blue jays hanging out near my feeder.
I know that not everyone loves them because they are loud and can be bullies, but I was glad to see them again!
I was standing in the kitchen and heard some distinct bird noises that even I recognize...
I looked out the window, and yep--sure enough there were 2 blue jays hanging out near my feeder.
I know that not everyone loves them because they are loud and can be bullies, but I was glad to see them again!
by Thornius on February 15, 2006 07:53 AM
Most of us birders are CRAZY about Blue Jays. We watch them every chance we get even though they are VERY common. Right now, on my birding forums, we have started to notice the incredible VARIETY of sounds that Blue Jays make. Also we are noticing NEW and UNUSUAL behavior amongst Jays. Crows and Jays are getting a lot of our attention lately because it appears that they may be almost equal to humans in intelligence and sophistication!!
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
by loz on February 15, 2006 08:09 AM
quote:I like watching them crack open the sunflower seeds on the top of the fence....
We watch them every chance we get even though they are VERY common.
I was wondering Thornius, do they mate for life? It seems like they are always in pairs when I see them around here....They are fairly common in the summer, but this is my first official viewing of them so far this year!!!
Wow--can they be loud!
by Thornius on February 15, 2006 08:19 AM
I'm not sure if they mate for life, but they are EXTREMELY social. You don't often see a lone Jay. I have 5 or 6 that live in and around my and my neighbors' yards.
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
by loz on February 15, 2006 10:31 AM
quote:That's true...I don't recall ever seeing one by itself. I think this pair I saw today must be the same pair I watched last summer...I guess they know where to go to get some good food!
You don't often see a lone Jay.
I like them....I haven't noticed any cardinals yet, but I imagine I'll be seeing them soon too.
Then the robins!
And finally the tiny, precious little hummers.
by Thornius on February 15, 2006 11:12 AM
We have Cardinals and Robins right now......but NO hummers. Be about another 6-8 weeks for the hummers.
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
by loz on February 19, 2006 12:07 AM
Guess what? Yesterday I saw my first pair of doves....Today I saw 2 male cardinals(they were fighting), and my first robin.
I'm keeping track of their arrival in my garden journal so I'll be able to see the arrival differences in coming years.
I just love cardinals, they are probably my favorite other than hummers.
I'm keeping track of their arrival in my garden journal so I'll be able to see the arrival differences in coming years.
I just love cardinals, they are probably my favorite other than hummers.
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