Boxwoods being killed!
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by jabethkailey3 on April 13, 2006 10:18 AM
We have a house that is three years old, and has several american boxwoods in the flowerbed out front. I have other flowering plants in there now, and all have been doing really great in past years, but all of the sudden my boxwoods are looking a little dry, then mostly dry, then dead, and whatever is doing it literally from one side of the bush to the whole thing, then to the start of another. we've lost them one by one gradually. I've treated, but have no idea why just the boxwoods are being attacked, or what it could be. Someone mentioned a root beatle? what could I do for that? Please HELP!
by Buglady on April 13, 2006 11:59 AM
without seeing them its hard to tell but i would guess English Boxwood Decline. Here is a link with some information.
Major Diseases of Boxwood
There are many problems with boxwoods these days. Plant breeders are working hard these days to breed plants that are resistant to these issues.
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans,
Educating the world... one bug at a time
Major Diseases of Boxwood
There are many problems with boxwoods these days. Plant breeders are working hard these days to breed plants that are resistant to these issues.
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans,
Educating the world... one bug at a time
by kyjoy on April 14, 2006 12:19 AM
Do you have a dog that may be using your boxwoods as a fire hydrant?
by jabethkailey3 on April 14, 2006 06:00 AM
THe first suggestion looks more viable than the second since there are no dogs in the cove. Thanks a bunch!!!
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