Compost Oooops
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Longy on July 11, 2006 10:33 AM
If you're going to sift it TK, then you'll sift out the weeds too. Then, just add them to your new compost.Some of the soil will drop thru with the sifted compost, but no big deal.
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The secret is the soil.
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The secret is the soil.
by tkhooper on July 11, 2006 11:23 AM
Thanks longy. He must have edged something that hadn't been edged in a long while because I have long strips of sod with weeds and crabgrass along with the regular grass. And I knew my compost pile hadn't done that over night.
When I talked to him today he was so proud of his contribution to the compost pile I couldn't disillusion him so I thought I would ask here if that stuff would be ok.
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When I talked to him today he was so proud of his contribution to the compost pile I couldn't disillusion him so I thought I would ask here if that stuff would be ok.
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Do I have to wait until he goes home and then dig it all out of the pile and put it in the dumpster. Or if I turn my pile frequently can I get the weeds, sod, and crabgrass to die?
Help please.
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