Lazy Day Pictures
Willy's Place » Wallpaper of the Day
by catlover on October 08, 2004 11:57 PM
Those are some really good close ups....have you thought about submitting these to the place where you won your other picture award!!!
I especially like the Bee....then well the Web with dew is fantastic...and the would you make up your mind which one to submit?
Are these Cedar Hill pix???![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
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Are these Cedar Hill pix???
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
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by melcon6 on October 09, 2004 12:23 AM
With Halloween right around the corner I just had to use the web pic for my desktop. Thank you so much Bill for all your wonderful pictures.!
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by Bill on October 09, 2004 12:39 AM
Yep! Those are all Cedar Hill pictures...
I won awards for two (Sluggy and Jailbird) out of the three photos (my Eagle didn't win...) I entered... I'll stop now with that 66% record and be happy!
I regularly get requests from magazines to use my pix. Unfortunately I take all mine at 640x480 because they are for use here... so they don't usually want them. (but the fact they ask makes me feel good anyway!)
My "Sluggy" picture was in ads for a slug bait product and is floating around on a few coffee cups.
My pictures decorate thousands of desktops in 123 countries...
I don't need any more award than the smiles I already give and get!
Thank you!![[grin]](im/graemlins/grinnnn.gif)
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I won awards for two (Sluggy and Jailbird) out of the three photos (my Eagle didn't win...) I entered... I'll stop now with that 66% record and be happy!
I regularly get requests from magazines to use my pix. Unfortunately I take all mine at 640x480 because they are for use here... so they don't usually want them. (but the fact they ask makes me feel good anyway!)
My "Sluggy" picture was in ads for a slug bait product and is floating around on a few coffee cups.
My pictures decorate thousands of desktops in 123 countries...
I don't need any more award than the smiles I already give and get!
Thank you!
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by gardenmom32210 on October 09, 2004 05:33 AM
I love the spiderweb...its absolutely beautiful!
by weezie13 on October 09, 2004 07:07 AM
Side note, anyone can do the spider web thing...
If you see one, get a spray bottle of water and spray it on..........
It'll show right up!!
Years ago, we had heard to use hairspray
Not good for the spider that worked so hard, all day on it!!!
Just water!!!
Great pictures Bill!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
If you see one, get a spray bottle of water and spray it on..........
It'll show right up!!
Years ago, we had heard to use hairspray
Just water!!!
Great pictures Bill!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Jiffymouse on October 09, 2004 04:49 PM
i have looked at these pics a few times, but i just noticed the fish...
i like fish...
by afgreyparrot on October 09, 2004 07:04 PM
I've been looking for the spider on the web...
Is there one there, and I'm too blind to see it?
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
Is there one there, and I'm too blind to see it?
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by afgreyparrot on October 09, 2004 07:05 PM
Oh, I found it!
DUH! ! !![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
DUH! ! !
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by <weezie> on October 09, 2004 10:00 PM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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