Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by mrw on August 29, 2006 12:08 PM
Can rosemary be grown indoors for the winter? Has anyone had success doing this?
by comfrey on August 30, 2006 04:25 AM
Yes Rosemary can be grown indoors over the winter. I have never grown it indoors. Is this plant in a pot outdoors or in the ground? If it is in the ground, be sure to choose a large enough pot to accommodate the root system, once potted move the pot to a shaded area (or if it is in a pot already move to a shaded area) Let it sit in the shaded area for a week, this helps it adjust to the change in light, also when bringing it back out in the spring, do the samething with setting it in the shade. The plant once indoors will need plenty of light, but keep the pot back away from the window, as the cold window and drafts will not be good for your plant. When watering, be sure to let the soil dry out before watering....DON'T OVERWATER! Evaporation may be less indoors, or more if it is very warm and dry. Hope this helps you some.
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