What is this?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by keylime on July 27, 2006 11:30 AM
Okay I know I'm lazy. I tried to look it up on the web, but I thought it would be easier to ask some of you knowledgable folks out there. Someone gave me a pot of this that they had rooted from their plant, and IT LOVES ME! I have cut 3 or 4 shoots off and rooted them and they have become whole potsfull. I discarded some into a flowerbed and it rooted! It loves living here! So what is it?

by RugbyHukr on July 27, 2006 01:38 PM
Plectranthus coleoides
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I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
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I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
by tkhooper on July 28, 2006 01:24 AM
It looks just like my pinapplemint to me but I'm a beginner so I can't swear to it.
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by ChristinaC on July 28, 2006 01:34 AM
I was thinking some type of variegated mint as well. What you'll have to do is smell it. Does it smell like oregano or mint?
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by 4Ruddy on July 28, 2006 02:00 AM
Christina is right...you need to smell. There are varigated basils as well. (that's what it looks like to me)
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...

by jimmydreams on July 28, 2006 11:10 PM
Keylime that plant is Coleus amboinicus Var. also listed as Plectranthus coleoides, Plectranthus amboinicus...the common name is Varigated Cuban Oregano and is often substituted in recipes that call for oregano in the hotter regions. It is very tender and will get killed by frost, but grows very quickly and adds great color to a garden.
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Put some "Spice" in your life!
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Put some "Spice" in your life!
by keylime on August 01, 2006 02:24 PM
Thanks everyone. Since I posted this I have started three new pots of this plant from cuttings. It grows so fast! It is an interesting find to add to my collection.
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