storing herbs for use
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by pagarden on March 21, 2006 10:23 AM
this past summer i started harvesting oregano, dill, and chives for use over winter. the oregano and dill i cut, hung, and let dry. i'm just about out of my home grown oregano but that's ok- spring is coming and i can have fresh again! WOOHOO!! the dill worked good too. i ended up dumping my chives. i would cut and then put them in a freezer container. but when i would take some out to use they seemed soggy when they thawed. is there another way to store chives? or is one that's only good fresh? what are some herbs you've stored and how did you store them?
by tkhooper on March 22, 2006 01:17 AM
I dry my chives in my microwave and then crumble them up and put them in a seasoning jar and use them that way.
My Basil I also dry but I air dry it rather than using the microwave. And again I store it in a seasoning jar after I've crumbled up the leaves.
Corriander I do the same way you discribed in your original post. And I store in a seasoning jar.
Those are the only ones I have successfully stored so far. This year I hope to do more.
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My Basil I also dry but I air dry it rather than using the microwave. And again I store it in a seasoning jar after I've crumbled up the leaves.
Corriander I do the same way you discribed in your original post. And I store in a seasoning jar.
Those are the only ones I have successfully stored so far. This year I hope to do more.
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by ChristinaC on March 22, 2006 01:36 AM
I snip my fresh chives into small pieces and place them in an ice cube tray and fill it with water. I thaw by putting a cube in a strainer.
Tammy's way definitely works, don't get me wrong but when you heat chives, they use a lot of their vitamin C and their digestive properties, not too mention, dried chives don't retain as much flavour.
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Tammy's way definitely works, don't get me wrong but when you heat chives, they use a lot of their vitamin C and their digestive properties, not too mention, dried chives don't retain as much flavour.
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by pagarden on March 22, 2006 07:30 AM
i think i'll try the ice cube thing then. i actually like them fresh right on top of my baked potato- so the ice cube method seems to sound better. thanks. basil- i just like fresh snipped and eaten with a fresh tomato so i don't even bother drying it- i wouldn't use it. oregano though i use in just about everything! LOL
by Ivy9 on March 23, 2006 02:55 AM
I put spearmint leaves in boiling water just for a couple of seconds, pour cold water on them and then dry them on a cloth in shade. Then make powder and use it as needed
by dodge on April 04, 2006 08:51 AM
Did you ever make spearmint tea ? SOme say it is good/
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Did you ever make spearmint tea ? SOme say it is good/
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
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