onions and peaches
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by papito on November 16, 2006 05:15 AM
quote:Mature Peach trees need heavy annual pruning. Prune your tree in winter. Cut out two-thirds of previous year's growth.
What's the proper care of a mature peach tree?
Peaches are heavy feeders, so they need regular supply of nitrogen. A balance fertilizier with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10 can be applied at/before bud break [depending on the area, around late March or so]; read/follow manufacturer's label for application, storage and disposal.
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Amor est vitae essentia.
Love is the essence of life.
by Longy on November 16, 2006 10:54 PM
a little bag of onion bulbs
They like a sweet soil too, so a dressing of dolomite may help. Not too much nitrogenous fertiliser. A little neglect once the bulbs start to form seems to help (As opposed to getting too much water).
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The secret is the soil.
They like a sweet soil too, so a dressing of dolomite may help. Not too much nitrogenous fertiliser. A little neglect once the bulbs start to form seems to help (As opposed to getting too much water).
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The secret is the soil.
by cookinmom on November 18, 2006 01:58 AM
Thanks so much!!!
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Real women don't have hot flashes -- we have power surges!
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Real women don't have hot flashes -- we have power surges!
by DeepCreekLake on November 18, 2006 11:22 PM
How old is the peach tree? Peaches only bear fruit for about 20 years, then they quit. Pruning it out if its old wont make it bear fruit.
Fruit on peaches bear on last years green wood. Prune out old wood, but leave a scaffold.
Fruit on peaches bear on last years green wood. Prune out old wood, but leave a scaffold.
by cookinmom on November 21, 2006 03:17 AM
This peach tree looks really old, but I don't know just how old. I think I'll prune it and see if it blooms next year. If nothing happens, we'll whack it down.
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Real women don't have hot flashes -- we have power surges!
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Real women don't have hot flashes -- we have power surges!
Search The Garden Helper:
Two questions: I picked up a little bag of onion bulbs (I guess that's what they're called) at HD yesterday. Any tips for success? I've gathered that they need loosened soil, with plenty of humus mixed in. Full sun? Mulch?
Our new house has a really old peach tree that looks like it could use some pruning. What's the proper care of a mature peach tree?
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Real women don't have hot flashes -- we have power surges!