Jackamanii Clematis
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by DaisyM on May 10, 2005 04:55 AM
Hi, all, just have a quick question? I'm worried about my two 5-6 year old clematis's which were well established. Every year I've been cutting them down in the spring and they've always shot out strong new stems. Last year I decided to leave it so the buds formed on the existing stems, and the clematis bloomed better than it had in the past. This spring I've decided to cut them down again and so far, I don't see any life, no buds or new shoots coming up just yet. My question is whether it is okay to leave a Jackamani (the way I did last year)and not cut it down. Maybe I did something to it.
by Bess of the Piedmont on May 10, 2005 08:10 PM
Hi Daisy!
When in doubt, you can always do a forum search (see search box at the top of the Gardener's Forum page) on 'clematis' for good advice.
I have a Jackmanii, and it doesn't seem to mind whether my hubby hacks it off by mistake or I manage to protect it and let it grow. I'd say be patient. It may just be taking it's time popping up this year. It's still probably pretty cold up in Canada, no?
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When in doubt, you can always do a forum search (see search box at the top of the Gardener's Forum page) on 'clematis' for good advice.
I have a Jackmanii, and it doesn't seem to mind whether my hubby hacks it off by mistake or I manage to protect it and let it grow. I'd say be patient. It may just be taking it's time popping up this year. It's still probably pretty cold up in Canada, no?
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by tamara on May 10, 2005 08:39 PM
Zone 4 here in Canada and I just noticed one little bud on my clematis yesterday. It takes a while, we had a bad winter so just be patient and soon you shoud see a little growth. Cutting them usually sends up more new suckers, I cut my Bees Jubilee but not my Ramona.
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Tamara's Photos
Thinking Spring, Thinking Spring...Nope, doesn't work.lol
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Thinking Spring, Thinking Spring...Nope, doesn't work.lol
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