How to grow celery...???
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Longy on July 09, 2006 09:03 AM
Grow them like lettuces. Lots of water, liquid fert regularly and mulch and to keep the stems white (blanched) you can put a container around them to keep the sun off.
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The secret is the soil.
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The secret is the soil.
by Deborah L. on July 09, 2006 09:46 AM
Longy, keep the sun off? You mean celery likes shade?
I'm still planning to root a celery bottom for fun.
I have one today to try it out in a saucer of water.
Badplanter, what a deal-I'd have grabbed those too !
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I'm still planning to root a celery bottom for fun.
I have one today to try it out in a saucer of water.
Badplanter, what a deal-I'd have grabbed those too !
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by Longy on July 09, 2006 09:57 AM
keep the sun off? You mean celery likes shade
No, they like full sun....
Now i'll try and explain myself a little better:-)
You know how when you buy celery, it is white at the base of the stalk? Well that bit is covered from the sun. Some people use mulch piled up high around the plant. I have cut the top and base out of a milk carton and used that. The plants leaves have to be out of the cover, so the plants can photosynthsise, just the stalks get covered. If you don't, they will be greener and not as tender.
Does that make sense?
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The secret is the soil.
No, they like full sun....
Now i'll try and explain myself a little better:-)
You know how when you buy celery, it is white at the base of the stalk? Well that bit is covered from the sun. Some people use mulch piled up high around the plant. I have cut the top and base out of a milk carton and used that. The plants leaves have to be out of the cover, so the plants can photosynthsise, just the stalks get covered. If you don't, they will be greener and not as tender.
Does that make sense?
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The secret is the soil.
by Deborah L. on July 09, 2006 11:45 AM
Yes, I get it, and thanks.
Is that what's called "blanching" ?
BTW, the inner lighter green stalks are my favorite-never have liked the outer stalks.
Good for cooking but not for my peanut butter celery !
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Is that what's called "blanching" ?
BTW, the inner lighter green stalks are my favorite-never have liked the outer stalks.
Good for cooking but not for my peanut butter celery !
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