Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by weezie13 on May 20, 2004 04:16 AM
If you want the plants to come, wait 'til that one last flower is gone, and let the seeds dry on the plant....Then take the seeds, and shake them on the dirt... save some for another pot, and another pot, and another pot...
Those things multiply like weeds!!!!
I have a section that's about 10ft in length with blue, white, pink, and purplish colors....
I leave them until the last 2 or 3 flowers' are on it, and then pull them all, and in the process of pulling them all, the seeds shake off, and They will then land on top of the dirt, and start new little plants, they'll winter over and next year you'll have them alllllll over again!!!
And once you've got them, it's very hard to totally get rid of them!!!!
I love the flowers, but when they go to their peek, they look a bit scraggly.... then there's room for new annuals and they'll be there for you next year.
(I've never grown them in pots, but I'm pretty sure they'll over winter...they're a pretty hardy lot.)
Happy Gardening!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
If you want the plants to come, wait 'til that one last flower is gone, and let the seeds dry on the plant....Then take the seeds, and shake them on the dirt... save some for another pot, and another pot, and another pot...
Those things multiply like weeds!!!!
I have a section that's about 10ft in length with blue, white, pink, and purplish colors....
I leave them until the last 2 or 3 flowers' are on it, and then pull them all, and in the process of pulling them all, the seeds shake off, and They will then land on top of the dirt, and start new little plants, they'll winter over and next year you'll have them alllllll over again!!!
And once you've got them, it's very hard to totally get rid of them!!!!
I love the flowers, but when they go to their peek, they look a bit scraggly.... then there's room for new annuals and they'll be there for you next year.
(I've never grown them in pots, but I'm pretty sure they'll over winter...they're a pretty hardy lot.)
Happy Gardening!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Nako on May 20, 2004 04:53 AM
That was the first plant i ever got ^.^ It died though, cuz i kinda put it in a place where i wouldn't remember it, and never watered it >.< So ya, i forgot about the forget-me-not lol. Well the person who gave it to me was really creepy and really liked me a lil too much. This was back in 8th grade. We all grew one, and gave it to someone who ment a lot to us ^.^ I gave mine to the nurse, cuz she was always there for me whenever i got hurt *ima clutz lol*, and she was one of the coolest grownup people i knew at the time
I remember the time i slipped on a tennis ball, and broke my wrist and ankle >.O I'm babbling lol. *sits quietly* >'.'< meow!
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