Raspberry Help
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by payton42 on June 20, 2006 06:38 PM
I transplanted 5 raspberry plants from my Dad's yard this spring. One by one they have been dying off. I live in Seattle where there has been plenty of rain. We water daily but they are dying. My Dad is having the same problem at his house we don't see any bugs or visible disease- can anyone help me save my raspberries?
by obywan59 on June 21, 2006 01:44 AM
I have this problem too. I looked it up in one of my books and I think it's caused by the raspberry root borer. Infested canes break off easily at the base and show an overall lack of vigor. They may also wilt and die in the early summer. The 1/2 inch white grubs can often be found feeding in the crown or roots. It's recommended to remove infected crowns and destroy them. Look for rust colored eggs on the leaves in late summer and destroy them. Drench the base of the plants with BT in early spring for 2 consecutive years.
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