Holes in my Green bean leaves
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
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by fespo on June 05, 2006 11:45 AM
I have about 3 rows of green beans. they came up nice but some little bug is eating the leaves up. The leaves look like they have been shot all over. Is there any SAFE I can use to kill this little bugs thanks Frank
by Danno on June 05, 2006 04:22 PM
just outa curiosity. . could it be that they are stressed by chance? my tomatoe plants i put in recently did the same thing immediately after xplanting them. looks like bugs eat them in the middle of the leaf. . but i think its from stress. cuz it started out like a brown diseased spot on the leave.
Just tryin to put 2 heads together. . . lemme know if this is what your seeing too?
Just tryin to put 2 heads together. . . lemme know if this is what your seeing too?
by Danno on June 05, 2006 04:23 PM
oh and btw. . if it IS what your seeing. . . i've been told and it seems to help the plants stay/come back to life. . . use some seaweed fertilizer. soak em good. . 1 week later soak em again! plants looked so much better the 2nd day. . but 1 lil feller didnt make it *cries*
by lakegran on June 06, 2006 02:16 AM
I may have posted this somewhere else, but here goes again.
Last year some pesky BIG bugs were devouring the leaves on my pole beans. I was advised to hang a product called 'bag a bug' ( got mine at Menards garden dept, about $5.) This thing really works. but you are left with a disgusting bag of smelly bugs.
I have one hanging near my beans again this year.
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