fuzzy lily!
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by MaryReboakly on June 08, 2005 08:42 PM
by Longy on June 09, 2005 01:00 PM
Hi Mary. The plant looks healthy. It's probably a spider. They have eight legs whereas insects have six. Have a close look. If it's a spider, it may be eating its own web each morning and spinning it again at night. Orb weavers do this. Go out at night with a flashlight for a look. It's great to watch them spinning away.
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The secret is the soil.
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The secret is the soil.
by MaryReboakly on June 09, 2005 05:02 PM
Hey Longy!
I'm pretty sure it's a spider from it's shape, but I couldn't get close enough really. I didn't think of the leg thing...thanks, I'll check again. I was just worried that their presence would hurt the precious blooms...or lack thereof - since I dont see anything at all that looks like it'll bloom. Guess I should just settle down and find my patience
I think the roses are getting to me or something, I'm getting pest-delirious. We've had (what I think were) aphids, spider mites and (definitely) black spot on the roses so far this year.
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I'm pretty sure it's a spider from it's shape, but I couldn't get close enough really. I didn't think of the leg thing...thanks, I'll check again. I was just worried that their presence would hurt the precious blooms...or lack thereof - since I dont see anything at all that looks like it'll bloom. Guess I should just settle down and find my patience
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
I think the roses are getting to me or something, I'm getting pest-delirious. We've had (what I think were) aphids, spider mites and (definitely) black spot on the roses so far this year.
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by MaryReboakly on June 10, 2005 12:44 AM
Just wanted to post a followup. I went out this morning to check on the lily and guests. Looks like a spider has found a home there, and is guarding his dinner. Looks like the webs either washed off with the rain, or were eaten like you said, Longy...I cant' believe how tall this lily is. I stood next to it, and it's almost up to my...heart
I'm 5'7", so I'm guessing it's almost 5' (I dont have a giraffe neck, no matter what they've told you all about me)
LOL Okay, a little punchy. I'll end here
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LOL Okay, a little punchy. I'll end here
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Sorry my picture is just as fuzzy as the fuzz!
Thanks :-)
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