White Mold?
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by peppereater on December 01, 2005 11:17 PM
Liz...I'm guessing you've used soil with either manure or some other media that's not completely composted. It should eventually go away on its own, but you might want to move the plants to an area with brighter light...U.V. rays from sunlight often destroy fungi. You might want to do a ph test, if that's possible...a slight change in ph could make the soil inhospitable to this fungus.
by Longy on December 02, 2005 01:17 PM
Let the surface of the soil dry out to a depth of 1/2 an inch before you water again. Use the sun if possible like Pepper said. The fungus probably likes the excess moisture and low light levels. As the weather is cooling, your plants will not require as much water. The plants won't be damaged by the fungus. It's just nature breaking down organic matter as Pepper also suggests.
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The secret is the soil.
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The secret is the soil.
by Liz S. on December 03, 2005 03:12 AM
Great, thanks! The plants are in a window that faces to the west, so they get a lot of sunlight in the evening. I think its already starting to go away on a couple of them...
Thanks again, its very much appreciated!
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Thanks again, its very much appreciated!
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by Ironside on January 23, 2006 05:36 AM
Watering from the bottom instead of the top will correct the problem also. If it persists, try a product called Soap Shield. You can get it at www.gardensalive.com. I use it all of the time. Mix about 8 drops to 1 quart of warm water. Spray the foliage and the soil. It will stop powdery mildew also. Good luck!
Watering from the bottom instead of the top will correct the problem also. If it persists, try a product called Soap Shield. You can get it at www.gardensalive.com. I use it all of the time. Mix about 8 drops to 1 quart of warm water. Spray the foliage and the soil. It will stop powdery mildew also. Good luck!
by Liz S. on January 23, 2006 08:09 AM
Thanks again... Its actually gone on most of the plants since the last time I posted. It's still there a little on one of my cactus plants, but diminishing as well. I appreciate your advice, I'm going to try that Soap Shield too.
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