need ideas for fallen tree limbs
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by tkhooper on July 07, 2005 07:39 PM
Well my little experiment is teaching me not to take the side stems off at the joint but leave alittle of the "v" in place to help me keep the hole structure together. Some stretigcally placed coat hanger wire is very helpful too. Remember someone said the branches have to go in the ground upside down. Or maybe in place of doing that you might want to do a concrete foot? If you have any green branches they bend well for the arch or you could square off the top. I think you would need at least 2 main supports along each side going up. And maybe some good diameter ones reaching from one to the other to help it hold it's shape. What do you think?
by MaryReboakly on July 07, 2005 11:37 PM
I'm afraid by the time I get around to it, they'll be dried out. I haven't yet gotten to them! The wire hanger idea is a good one - didn't think about that. I may be able to get a rectangle-ish shape, but doubt I'll get an arch at this point - I'm guessing the branches are drying out too much now. I'll report back when (if?) I get it done. Thanks, T.
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by tkhooper on July 07, 2005 11:44 PM
I'm wishing really hard that it works out for you. I think it is going to be really pretty.
by GiraffeMSW on July 08, 2005 05:34 AM
If they get too dry, can't you just soak them a bit to limber them up? Maybe in a bucket or trashcan full of water?
How about if you tie a few pieces together to make a teepee like support structure for a new plant, perhaps a moon flower vine?
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The higher the point of view, the broader the horizon...said the giraffe.
How about if you tie a few pieces together to make a teepee like support structure for a new plant, perhaps a moon flower vine?
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The higher the point of view, the broader the horizon...said the giraffe.
by MaryReboakly on July 08, 2005 06:27 AM
Hmmmmmmmmmmm that's a great idea. I could use my not quite yet a rain barrel trash can
And I love the idea of a moon flower vine!!! hmmmmmmm ... will keep you posted! THanks!
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by mike57 on July 09, 2005 10:38 PM
MARY heres one i built out of limbs from a tree that got blown down during a storm mabe it will give some ideas.
hope this helps.your friend in gardening.mike57
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No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.
hope this helps.your friend in gardening.mike57
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No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.
by tkhooper on July 11, 2005 09:39 PM
You should be in business. You create such great stuff. I still can't get over your wood burning down in hobbies. They are just great.
You should be in business. You create such great stuff. I still can't get over your wood burning down in hobbies. They are just great.
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We had quite a storm last night here, thankfully - we really needed the rain. Unfortunately, it battered some of our flowers, and knocked down a part of one of our redbud trees. Thankfully it was only one main limb, the others are fine, and I think it'll make it
So, now that I've plucked off all the leaves for my compost heap
Thought I would pick your brains for ideas. I have 2 main strong limbs that are about 4-6" in diameter. I figured I'd use those for the main base on either side. The other branches I have vary in length and thickness, and some still have the smaller twigs attached. Any ideas?
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