Clay Dirt
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by KarensYard on June 15, 2005 06:29 AM
I am trying to start a new garden. I am a beginner and have no idea about what to do with the soil.
It's clay! Is there anything I can mix in with it to loosen it up and make it easier to start planting? I don't want to start out with seeds, just plants and take it from there.
by LMT on June 15, 2005 10:32 AM
How deep is the clay and what's below it?
Dig a couple test holes about three to five feet deep. Narrow holes.
* * * *
Currently listening to: Vince Guaraldi Trio -- A Charlie Brown Christmas. Adult and contemporary but evocative of youth and innocence, a must own CD.
Dig a couple test holes about three to five feet deep. Narrow holes.
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Currently listening to: Vince Guaraldi Trio -- A Charlie Brown Christmas. Adult and contemporary but evocative of youth and innocence, a must own CD.
by tkhooper on June 15, 2005 07:52 PM
You want one of two things gypsum and or sand. The gypsum will soften it up pretty quick. The sand amends it so it becomes more soil like. Somewhere back in the dark ages, I read that soil is made up of three components: clay, sand & biomatter.
You are a very smart woman karen. I planted stuff and then asked what to do about my clay so now I'm trying to work around my plants in tiny increaments to amend the clay lol. It's an adventure.
Are you going to do a compost pile to help get the biomatter into the clay mix? It will help.
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You are a very smart woman karen. I planted stuff and then asked what to do about my clay so now I'm trying to work around my plants in tiny increaments to amend the clay lol. It's an adventure.
Are you going to do a compost pile to help get the biomatter into the clay mix? It will help.
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by LMT on June 15, 2005 11:54 PM
I suspect the clay isn't real thick, under it is sand and under that is a sand/clay/stone mix that's damp and cool to the touch. If I found clay in my yard that's what I'd expect under it.
If this is the case, I'd ask about the size of the space being gardened and tools available.
The old carpenter's adage applies; measure twice, cut once.
* * * *
Currently listening to: Vince Guaraldi Trio -- A Charlie Brown Christmas. Adult and contemporary but evocative of youth and innocence, a must own CD.
If this is the case, I'd ask about the size of the space being gardened and tools available.
The old carpenter's adage applies; measure twice, cut once.
* * * *
Currently listening to: Vince Guaraldi Trio -- A Charlie Brown Christmas. Adult and contemporary but evocative of youth and innocence, a must own CD.
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