Crabgrass and Weed Trees
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by LMT on June 15, 2005 11:07 AM
"Tree Weeds"
When I get a small tree, some ivy or another woody invader I spray. When they have an extablished root system and very few leaves you can't kill them off with a spray that is absorbed by leaves and carried to the roots. You can't inject enough poison to do the job.
You can dig out the roots, bury them with a raised garden or out live them.
You could use fire, maybe. Save up sticks and build a nice fire on top in the fall or spring.
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Currently listening to: Vince Guaraldi Trio -- A Charlie Brown Christmas. Adult and contemporary but evocative of youth and innocence, a must own CD.
When I get a small tree, some ivy or another woody invader I spray. When they have an extablished root system and very few leaves you can't kill them off with a spray that is absorbed by leaves and carried to the roots. You can't inject enough poison to do the job.
You can dig out the roots, bury them with a raised garden or out live them.
You could use fire, maybe. Save up sticks and build a nice fire on top in the fall or spring.
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Currently listening to: Vince Guaraldi Trio -- A Charlie Brown Christmas. Adult and contemporary but evocative of youth and innocence, a must own CD.
by MaryReboakly on June 15, 2005 11:20 AM
Hi Slave (
) Welcome to the forum!
I have the same problem with weed trees - we're in a similar situation, having just moved here after the house being unoccupied (and when occupied, severely neglected) for years now. I read a tip to solve the problem of weed tree stumps. I have yet to try it - overwhelmed with all the other stuff, as I'm sure you understand. Anyway, the tip was to cut the tree as close to the ground as possible, and then invert a tin can on top of the stump, holding it down with a brick or heavy rock. The tree will try to regrow, but get mangled in itself. I would imagine if left this way for a period of time, it would rot the tree faster than cutting, recutting, and re-re-re-cutting (I can totally relate).
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I have the same problem with weed trees - we're in a similar situation, having just moved here after the house being unoccupied (and when occupied, severely neglected) for years now. I read a tip to solve the problem of weed tree stumps. I have yet to try it - overwhelmed with all the other stuff, as I'm sure you understand. Anyway, the tip was to cut the tree as close to the ground as possible, and then invert a tin can on top of the stump, holding it down with a brick or heavy rock. The tree will try to regrow, but get mangled in itself. I would imagine if left this way for a period of time, it would rot the tree faster than cutting, recutting, and re-re-re-cutting (I can totally relate).
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by LMT on June 15, 2005 11:30 AM
That's an excellent idea. A coffee can and a big rock over the top of the stump.
Where did you read that tip?
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Currently listening to: Vince Guaraldi Trio -- A Charlie Brown Christmas. Adult and contemporary but evocative of youth and innocence, a must own CD.
Where did you read that tip?
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Currently listening to: Vince Guaraldi Trio -- A Charlie Brown Christmas. Adult and contemporary but evocative of youth and innocence, a must own CD.
by MaryReboakly on June 15, 2005 11:49 AM
I have no idea. Mind like a sieve - only little bits and pieces stick. Every once in a while, it's the important bits that stick! LOL!
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by tkhooper on June 15, 2005 07:47 PM
I think I'm going to try that too.
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by Olive's Mommy on June 20, 2005 01:14 PM
quote:Hello! I am an idiot (forgot my password I guess??) and cannot sign in with my username, but I am ME, (slave to plants and dachs) so I had to make up a new name in the meanwhile until an administrator can hopefully email me back with my password that I should not have forgotten!!! Until then, you shall now know me as my princess dachshund Olive's mother!
Originally posted by MaryReboakly:
Hi Slave () Welcome to the forum!
I have the same problem with weed trees - we're in a similar situation, having just moved here after the house being unoccupied (and when occupied, severely neglected) for years now. I read a tip to solve the problem of weed tree stumps. I have yet to try it - overwhelmed with all the other stuff, as I'm sure you understand. Anyway, the tip was to cut the tree as close to the ground as possible, and then invert a tin can on top of the stump, holding it down with a brick or heavy rock. The tree will try to regrow, but get mangled in itself. I would imagine if left this way for a period of time, it would rot the tree faster than cutting, recutting, and re-re-re-cutting (I can totally relate).
It is soooooooo good to hear from some other gardeners that are living with my plight.......I can't stand these trees anymore!!! I have thought of putting a bucket or something like that over the stump depriving the poor misguided soul of light. I am glad to know that this may actually work! My yard may look funny for a while with 82,000 cans and buckets along my fence line and in the yard, but I will do what it takes as spraying them has done them no harm what-so-ever! It's almost as if they laugh in my face and act as if it was only a slight case of sunburn!!!
The thought of cutting, re-cutting and cutting again makes me want to throw myself into traffic! I would like to enjoy my garden this season!!!
Thanks for the tips!!!!
by Olive's Mommy on June 20, 2005 01:17 PM
Can anyone shed some light on the crabgrass cunundrum????
by tkhooper on June 21, 2005 05:48 AM

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Crabgrass was also allowed to grow in a bed of vinca that surrounds our old maple tree. I put a pre-emergent on when I was supposed to, but it is still growing under there. I can't seem to keep up with it by hand pulling it, it just breaks in my hand with most of the roots still intact. I have seen these sprays that are supposed to kill the grass but not the groundcover, has anyone had any luck with these things?
I am usually an organic gardener, but these two problems have made me a bit less chemical shy and I am willing to do just about anything to get these two issues out of my gardening life forever!!!!
Can anyone please, please help me?
Thank you in advance!