why didn't my lilac bush bloom?
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by weezie13 on April 24, 2005 05:27 PM
Hi Auntnene,
Is yours the same variety as the others???
I have some lilac's that bloom at different times.
My Miss Kim Korean lilac blooms after the wild or standard lilac's...
Would that be it??
Or something hit the plant after it flowered to shock it enough not to bloom..
The year after you transplanted it, the blooms were already set in motion to produce the following year...because they're made right after flowering....for the coming year...
So, after yours flowered, did something happen to it?
Chemical sprays???
Cold Frosts???
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- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

Is yours the same variety as the others???
I have some lilac's that bloom at different times.
My Miss Kim Korean lilac blooms after the wild or standard lilac's...
Would that be it??
Or something hit the plant after it flowered to shock it enough not to bloom..
The year after you transplanted it, the blooms were already set in motion to produce the following year...because they're made right after flowering....for the coming year...
So, after yours flowered, did something happen to it?
Chemical sprays???
Cold Frosts???
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
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- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by alankhart on April 24, 2005 09:04 PM
Lilacs form flower buds on last years growth, so as mentioned, the buds were already set when you transplanted it last year. Something happened after that to cause it not to bloom. Two of the biggest reasons lilacs don't bloom are 1) the buds get killed by late frost or 2) it doesn't get enough sun. Since the others in your neighborhood are blooming, it probably isn't the first one (unless because it's newly transplanted it didn't have time to establish well), so perhaps not enough sun?
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by auntnene on April 24, 2005 11:31 PM
I went out and looked at it closer. There are a few "wanna be" blooms but they are dry and crumbly. The bush itself looks pretty good. It sits on the west side of my house and gets sun from the south and west. Last year, my neighbor had a guy spray his weeds. This guy used a riding type spayer and when he made turns, the stuff hit the lilac bush. I had to trim the bottom off, rinse the leaves and water it a lot because I noticed a few days after he sprayed that it looked like it was wilting. I had to rinse my peonie's too. I forgot about having to do that until I read ya'll's replies. So... do you think he killed this years blooms? It is geting new growth coming up from the roots. I'm not sure of the variety. I brought a sprig from my grandmothers house and planted it. When we moved two years ago, I dug it up and brought it with me and it bloomed. It's very fragrant and usually very pretty. I guess I need to talk to them and ask them to let me know when they are going to spray. I'll try to cover it.
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