New member-help with yard
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by mrtgg9 on April 13, 2005 05:05 AM
Hey there i have a older home-front yard over grown-like plant something out front to remove shrubs-70 ft oak trees line street area so semi shady? any suggestions- not good at being creative just need some directive help
by tkhooper on April 13, 2005 06:04 AM
Hey, mrtgg
That's my favorite question. It's a lot of other peoples favorite question too. One of the hostesses will probably move your question to the appropriate room soon so everyone will respond but in the mean time. There is a page in the garden helper all about shade gardens that will certainly give you a starting place for ideas. If you really want to see some beautiful things done in a shady area look at the wild willy series. It is a great story about gardening and the outdoors and what can be done with unusual raw materials.
I envy you your shade it is turning out that most of the plants that I like best are shade loving and my one-day-to-be-garden is mostly sun.
I'm not sure what zone you are in because I forgot to look but if Peonies are a possibility I think they are great as long as you don't mind ants.
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That's my favorite question. It's a lot of other peoples favorite question too. One of the hostesses will probably move your question to the appropriate room soon so everyone will respond but in the mean time. There is a page in the garden helper all about shade gardens that will certainly give you a starting place for ideas. If you really want to see some beautiful things done in a shady area look at the wild willy series. It is a great story about gardening and the outdoors and what can be done with unusual raw materials.
I envy you your shade it is turning out that most of the plants that I like best are shade loving and my one-day-to-be-garden is mostly sun.
I'm not sure what zone you are in because I forgot to look but if Peonies are a possibility I think they are great as long as you don't mind ants.
* * * *

by loz on April 13, 2005 10:32 PM
Hi there mrtgg, and welcome to the forum....I'm going to go ahead and move your post to the Landscape trials and triumphs section so someone can give you some good landscaping ideas and suggestions on what to plant in your area...
Once again welcome!
Once again welcome!
by tkhooper on April 14, 2005 03:13 AM
Hey, we are neighbors (sorta) i'm in virginia
Shade garden there are so many choices
First off is the Hosta I love these things.
Begonia "nonstops" I think these are really pretty and they say partial shade where I looked them up but that's a nursery in zone 5 so you may want to check that before you consider them as a possibility.
Primula & Primroses These come in all colors and are shade loving.
Flowering Maple
Aesculus parviflora
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' (Bugleweed)
Aronia (Chokeberry)
Centaurea montana
Chelone thyoides
Clethra (Summersweet)
Others will be along who know much more about this and can give you much better lists.
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Shade garden there are so many choices
First off is the Hosta I love these things.
Begonia "nonstops" I think these are really pretty and they say partial shade where I looked them up but that's a nursery in zone 5 so you may want to check that before you consider them as a possibility.
Primula & Primroses These come in all colors and are shade loving.
Flowering Maple
Aesculus parviflora
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' (Bugleweed)
Aronia (Chokeberry)
Centaurea montana
Chelone thyoides
Clethra (Summersweet)
Others will be along who know much more about this and can give you much better lists.
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by tamara on April 20, 2005 04:14 PM
Hello and welcome. I'm a shade gardener myself.
Astilbes (red,pink,white)
Hostas (greens and yellows)
Silver mounds
Bleeding hearts (pink,white)
Lady's mantle
Blue salvia
Autumn monkhood
Lenten rose(helleborus)
Bearded iris
Siberian Bugloss
Spiderwort (pink,blue,white) this spreads
Trollius (yellow)
lilly of the valley
Flowering Euphoria
Goat's beard
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Tamara's Photos
Thinking Spring, Thinking Spring...Nope, doesn't
Astilbes (red,pink,white)
Hostas (greens and yellows)
Silver mounds
Bleeding hearts (pink,white)
Lady's mantle
Blue salvia
Autumn monkhood
Lenten rose(helleborus)
Bearded iris
Siberian Bugloss
Spiderwort (pink,blue,white) this spreads
Trollius (yellow)
lilly of the valley
Flowering Euphoria
Goat's beard
* * * *

Tamara's Photos
Thinking Spring, Thinking Spring...Nope, doesn't
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