Health and Herbalism
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by Forest Tengu on September 24, 2005 06:01 PM
Aching joints can be soothed with a relaxing bath!
baths are classic remedies for an aching body, here is my bathing formula for aching muscles and joints.
1 ounce burdock root, 1 ounce mugwort, one ounce comfry leaf and one ounce of sage. Infuse this mixture in 1 quart of just boiled water and steep it for about 15 minutes, then add to your warm bath water.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
baths are classic remedies for an aching body, here is my bathing formula for aching muscles and joints.
1 ounce burdock root, 1 ounce mugwort, one ounce comfry leaf and one ounce of sage. Infuse this mixture in 1 quart of just boiled water and steep it for about 15 minutes, then add to your warm bath water.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
by Forest Tengu on September 25, 2005 10:25 PM
Here is a few procedures for making herbal medicines at home. I find them to be easy to do and the equipment easy to get.
Powdering Herbs- To prepare herbs for futher use first dry them. You will need to obtain a traditional mortar or pestle. First rub and grind the herbs in the palms of your hands to break it into small peices over a newspaper or bowl. Pour the small peices into your mortal and pestle and grind them into a powder. (you can also use electric grinders like coffee grinders but once used for herbs you will not be able to use for anything else. I find the pestle and mortar is the best method not only is it inexpensive its more traditional.) Store in glass jars that are air tight sealed and keep out of sun light.
Infusions and Tisanes- Infusions and tisanes are medical beverages made by steeping herbs in hot water until their useful qualities are extracted. Infusions are made from the soft parts of the herb such as leaves and stems. First bring a pint of water to a boil in a medium sized pot then remove from the stove. Immerse one ounce of dried herb in the pot and cover(or use your powdered herbs as a tea by wrapping a ounce of powder in cheese cloth and tieing and add to the pot.). Let the infusion sit for about 10 minutes the herb will soak up about half the water leaving you with about a cup and a half of beverage.
Decoctions- Decotions are made by simmering herbs in water, its the most effective way to get the healing qaulities out of course parts of the herb such as bark and roots. use the same portions of water and herb as infusions. Add dried herbs to the water that has been brought to a boil. Keep the pot on the stove and keep just below boiling for thirty minutes.
Tinctures- Tinctures are effective in very small amounts because they are so concentrated. To make a tincture combine 4 ounces of powdered herb to 1 pint of vodka in a alrge jar with a secure fitting lid. Shake the mixture two times daily for two weeks. Strain off the mixture into another clean bottle and your tincture is ready.
Herbal Syrups- To make a herbal syrup combine two ounces of dried herb with one quart of water in a large pot. Boil it down till its reduced to one pint then add one and a half ounces of honey. Store syrups in the refrigerator for up to one month.
Compress- Soak a wash cloth in an infusion that is about 150 degress hot. Keep the cloth in till it is steaming. Twist out the corners of the cloth (If there is to much liquid it could burn the skin) and apply the cloth to the affected part of the person. Then apply on top of the compress a dry towel. The first compress will dry in 2 minutes and apply another. Keep alteraing clothes this way.
Herbal Oils- Combine two ounces of dried maceretard herb to one pint of pure vegetable oil. let mexiture stand in warm place covered for three days. Strain and discard the herbs, bottle the oil.
Herbal Salves and Ointments- two ounces of of dried herb per pint of olive oil. heat the herb in the oil for about a hour. Then strain and discard the herb. Add one ounce of melted beeswax to the herb oil. Stir till thick and cooled. Store in the refrigerator up to a year. To use simply reheat and allow to cool.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
Powdering Herbs- To prepare herbs for futher use first dry them. You will need to obtain a traditional mortar or pestle. First rub and grind the herbs in the palms of your hands to break it into small peices over a newspaper or bowl. Pour the small peices into your mortal and pestle and grind them into a powder. (you can also use electric grinders like coffee grinders but once used for herbs you will not be able to use for anything else. I find the pestle and mortar is the best method not only is it inexpensive its more traditional.) Store in glass jars that are air tight sealed and keep out of sun light.
Infusions and Tisanes- Infusions and tisanes are medical beverages made by steeping herbs in hot water until their useful qualities are extracted. Infusions are made from the soft parts of the herb such as leaves and stems. First bring a pint of water to a boil in a medium sized pot then remove from the stove. Immerse one ounce of dried herb in the pot and cover(or use your powdered herbs as a tea by wrapping a ounce of powder in cheese cloth and tieing and add to the pot.). Let the infusion sit for about 10 minutes the herb will soak up about half the water leaving you with about a cup and a half of beverage.
Decoctions- Decotions are made by simmering herbs in water, its the most effective way to get the healing qaulities out of course parts of the herb such as bark and roots. use the same portions of water and herb as infusions. Add dried herbs to the water that has been brought to a boil. Keep the pot on the stove and keep just below boiling for thirty minutes.
Tinctures- Tinctures are effective in very small amounts because they are so concentrated. To make a tincture combine 4 ounces of powdered herb to 1 pint of vodka in a alrge jar with a secure fitting lid. Shake the mixture two times daily for two weeks. Strain off the mixture into another clean bottle and your tincture is ready.
Herbal Syrups- To make a herbal syrup combine two ounces of dried herb with one quart of water in a large pot. Boil it down till its reduced to one pint then add one and a half ounces of honey. Store syrups in the refrigerator for up to one month.
Compress- Soak a wash cloth in an infusion that is about 150 degress hot. Keep the cloth in till it is steaming. Twist out the corners of the cloth (If there is to much liquid it could burn the skin) and apply the cloth to the affected part of the person. Then apply on top of the compress a dry towel. The first compress will dry in 2 minutes and apply another. Keep alteraing clothes this way.
Herbal Oils- Combine two ounces of dried maceretard herb to one pint of pure vegetable oil. let mexiture stand in warm place covered for three days. Strain and discard the herbs, bottle the oil.
Herbal Salves and Ointments- two ounces of of dried herb per pint of olive oil. heat the herb in the oil for about a hour. Then strain and discard the herb. Add one ounce of melted beeswax to the herb oil. Stir till thick and cooled. Store in the refrigerator up to a year. To use simply reheat and allow to cool.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
by weezie13 on September 25, 2005 10:30 PM
Where do you buy your containers for
making them???
Justtttt outta curiousity???
Anything or places like these??
Jars for making things
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
making them???
Justtttt outta curiousity???
Anything or places like these??
Jars for making things
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Forest Tengu on September 25, 2005 10:44 PM
For storage of herbs I get regular mason jars. Never use metal containers because they can effect the herbs in negative ways. I keep in dark cool cabinet because light destroys the herbs quality. You can also use ebay to find large collections of different sized bottles jars and such for cheap. Hope this was helpful, I'll post how to's pretty soon including some recipes.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
by weezie13 on September 25, 2005 11:54 PM
When you use those Mason Jars,
have you ever done them with
those air vacuuming machines
To stretch them even longer..
Have often wondered about it..
*I have one of these machines,
for food items. Leftovers, freezing stuff, etc..*
but I don't do anything with herbs though yet..
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
have you ever done them with
those air vacuuming machines
To stretch them even longer..
Have often wondered about it..
*I have one of these machines,
for food items. Leftovers, freezing stuff, etc..*
but I don't do anything with herbs though yet..
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Forest Tengu on September 26, 2005 12:23 AM
Nope never used one of those, but in growing mushrooms I use a pressure cooker method that could be used for herbs
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
by comfrey on September 26, 2005 11:05 AM
quote:I am so glad you made this statement...I feel exactly the same way...I feel that healing is my given talent or gift and have received..freely you should give. Your statement made me feel Good that there are others out there who share the same feelings on this!!!
Originally posted by Forest Tengu:
I am open to all questions for I feel it is a duty to help anyone who wants it.
Thank you
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by weezie13 on September 27, 2005 05:18 AM
We all love any info you both can share....
and any hints, tips and info you can share
on this subject...
It realllllllly is an interesting topic
and herbs'/plants are really our key in health..
***IMHO, where do we get most of our cures already!!!***
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
and any hints, tips and info you can share
on this subject...
It realllllllly is an interesting topic
and herbs'/plants are really our key in health..
***IMHO, where do we get most of our cures already!!!***
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Forest Tengu on September 27, 2005 06:46 AM
In my opinion I believe the body is the greatest medicine to itself. Society has placed reliance on meds and doesnt understand what the body is capable of. The biggest factor in healing is the mind and belief. Why do alot of medicines work so well? Because of belief. It's actually a humor that in most trails placebos are more effective than the actual pills due to the test subjects believe they are getting something of medicinal value and the placebos dont have any side effects as most modern medicines do. There are many ways of natural curing without medicines such as the chinese found out with massage and acupuncture. Just thought I'd share that little thought with you guys and ladies.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
by weezie13 on September 27, 2005 11:14 PM
Im a firm believer that less is best..
I hardly ever take anything for stuff...
but when I finalllllllllllly take something,
I'm helped, ie; headaches for example..
I'll do a hot towel on my head, hot showers,
a messaging tube thing *it goes behind your head*
if I have to, but usually those things make it go away..
Once in a blue moon, I take an aspirin for something..
I don't have a build up of tolerance to them either...
And I know smells can do things mentally for
a person, such as lemon, citris's, cinaminn's, can lift the spirits, and give an all'around good feeling..
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
I hardly ever take anything for stuff...
but when I finalllllllllllly take something,
I'm helped, ie; headaches for example..
I'll do a hot towel on my head, hot showers,
a messaging tube thing *it goes behind your head*
if I have to, but usually those things make it go away..
Once in a blue moon, I take an aspirin for something..
I don't have a build up of tolerance to them either...
And I know smells can do things mentally for
a person, such as lemon, citris's, cinaminn's, can lift the spirits, and give an all'around good feeling..
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Forest Tengu on September 28, 2005 04:13 AM
Warning on buying herbal teas from companies. These teas are always a good refreshing and relaxing enjoyment of people all around the world, but should not be confused with herbal medicine. These teas contain no where near the amount of healing qualities you need to heal yourself with. Most of the time the tea will only contain a small amount of the tea's name(example Ginger Tea or lavendar Tea). If you want to use Herbal beverages to heal yourself it is best that you make your own infusions or decotions, or have someone experienced in herbal medicine to prescribe and make herbal remedies for you.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
by comfrey on September 28, 2005 08:14 AM
Our bodies have the ability to heal them selves, with the use of natural ingredients...We strengthen our body's own ability to over come the illness or weakness with the use of plants and natural foods. With prescription meds..they mainly treat the symptoms or control the symptoms. I am not saying that you shouldn't go to a doctor or take prescription meds...just trying to explain how conventional medicine and natural healing approach the issue of illness.
Jean in Arkansas
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Jean in Arkansas
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by Winter Rosebudd on September 29, 2005 07:42 AM
What a fantastic thread! Thank you! This is something that I've been very interested in for years now. I had a book years ago, "prescription for nutritional healing" It gave different recipes (herbal, dietary, vitamins ect..) for curing just about everything, and it saved me alot of costly and frightening trips to the doctor. I totally agree about the self healing thing. Modern medicine freaks me out. Like why does it cost so much and why is it that the people with terminal illnesses have to pay the most?
Speaking of terminal have a question for ya. My husband was diagnosed with Hepatitis C two years ago...he found out one week after I found out I was pregnant. I tested OK, and the OBGYN told me the chances of passing to the child were very slim. My husband isn't sick, it was just found in a blood test. Since, I've done some research and have been trying to stick to a liver healthy diet. He hasn't been back to the doctor since, because he's a stubborn boob at times, but I've been nagging relentlessly. Is there any liver healthy herbal treatments that you recommend?
Thanks so much for your help!![[Wink]](im/wink.gif)
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Speaking of terminal have a question for ya. My husband was diagnosed with Hepatitis C two years ago...he found out one week after I found out I was pregnant. I tested OK, and the OBGYN told me the chances of passing to the child were very slim. My husband isn't sick, it was just found in a blood test. Since, I've done some research and have been trying to stick to a liver healthy diet. He hasn't been back to the doctor since, because he's a stubborn boob at times, but I've been nagging relentlessly. Is there any liver healthy herbal treatments that you recommend?
Thanks so much for your help!
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by Forest Tengu on September 29, 2005 09:37 AM
Chinese physicians have used licorice for centuries to treat liver problems. Hepatitus C is a viral infection that can cause both liver failure and liver cancer. It does have a potential danger though. Long term use of licorice may cause water retention, elevated blood pressure, and a hormone imbalance (pseudoaldosteronism). But licorice is also on the FDA list of safe herbs.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
by Sorathien on September 29, 2005 11:23 AM
i've always believed that the best medicine is simply giving the body the things it needs to do it's job. if your body has the things it needs, the vitamins, minerals, and compounds, then it will do it's job and will heal itself.
the only problems arise when the body is lacking something it needs, or has an influx of something it doesn't know how to handle.
the only problems arise when the body is lacking something it needs, or has an influx of something it doesn't know how to handle.
by weezie13 on September 29, 2005 07:49 PM
Alot also has to do with the amount
of sleep you get...
To give the body the time it needs
to repair itself...
I am terribly guilty of not getting enough
most days...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
of sleep you get...
To give the body the time it needs
to repair itself...
I am terribly guilty of not getting enough
most days...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by ChristinaC on September 29, 2005 08:05 PM
Weezie..I have a horrible time sleeping. Forest suggested a couple herbs to help me relax. I did purchase a chamomile tea that seemed to help. I'm thinking of taking a yoga class...I would LOVE that!!! Has anyone taken yoga?
Like everyone else here, I refuse to take medications. The doctor prescribed ativan (a sublingual dose) to take as needed but I've yet to try it. I don't wanna' "zonk" out completely...I just want to's my mind that needs help! Thank god for caffeine!
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Like everyone else here, I refuse to take medications. The doctor prescribed ativan (a sublingual dose) to take as needed but I've yet to try it. I don't wanna' "zonk" out completely...I just want to's my mind that needs help! Thank god for caffeine!
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by Winter Rosebudd on October 01, 2005 02:42 AM
Thank you Forest for the licorice tip...I'll look into that. What do you suggest as the best form? Tea?
We have sleep issues around here too. Adivan is a pretty hardcore sedative isn't it? I don't know about that stuff, I too try to stay away from prescription medicines. You're so right Weezie, sleep is so important! Water too....lLots and lots.
One thing I absolutely LOVE is evening of primrose oil (they come like vitamin E capsules) Its really great for your complexion and also relieves symptoms of PMS, including really works for me. You take one a day along with your vitamins. I wouldn't have any idea how to grow/make it though!
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We have sleep issues around here too. Adivan is a pretty hardcore sedative isn't it? I don't know about that stuff, I too try to stay away from prescription medicines. You're so right Weezie, sleep is so important! Water too....lLots and lots.
One thing I absolutely LOVE is evening of primrose oil (they come like vitamin E capsules) Its really great for your complexion and also relieves symptoms of PMS, including really works for me. You take one a day along with your vitamins. I wouldn't have any idea how to grow/make it though!
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by Wizzard on October 02, 2005 01:27 AM
just wondering what your oppinion on herbal wine is.... i make many kinds of wines, instead of the vodka idea, would it maintain its potency if made into a wine? i have made a chamomile wine and a garlic wine so far.... more to come. basicaly i boil the herb in water for about 15 min and leave it in for fermentation for about a week, then remove the herb... dont know if that helps or not
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Wizzards pics
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Wizzards pics
by Forest Tengu on October 02, 2005 12:19 PM
Winter, the best way to prepare the licorice would be what ever is the easiest form for your husband. I suggest finding 100% natural licorice candy for him to snack on during the day, if he doesnt like the flavor you might find alternative candy with flavors added but remeber it needs to have licorice in it, not licorice flavoring. Wizard on herbal wine, I do not use it to make tinctures because the alcohol volume is to low on most wines. But herbal wines are great as they are, just be careful on what herbs you use since some can become poisonus when mixed with alcohol. (gotta send me some of that chamomile wine
And finally for sleep problems try lavender aromatherapy or Lavender tea. If many more ask about sleeping I'll post some good receipes up for sleep aids. Hope you all have good luck and fortune.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
And finally for sleep problems try lavender aromatherapy or Lavender tea. If many more ask about sleeping I'll post some good receipes up for sleep aids. Hope you all have good luck and fortune.
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu
by thorns on November 02, 2005 03:56 AM
milkthistle is good for healing the liver. studies have shown it actually can rejunivate liver tissue.
Search The Garden Helper:
I am open to all questions for I feel it is a duty to help anyone who wants it. If you have problems with anything and would like herbal advice feel free to post it so that I can reply and others who might have the same problem can also see it or if its something you dont want to share feel free to pm me or email me, as I said I'm very happy to help anyone.
Thank you
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Those who are good at running leave no tracks - Lao Tzu