need help with tiny new trees!
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by scruffydog85 on May 01, 2004 03:56 AM
I ordered a weeping willow and a red maple tree from, and they got here today. I think they're labeled wrong, because the one labeled "weeping willow" has a couple very large leaves, and the one labeled "red maple" has stringy looking ones. The red maple is tiny, about 6 inches tall. The weeping willow is about 2.5 feet, and not quite as wide as the twist tie that holds it to the bamboo stick! I know it needs to be staked, because if I put it in the ground as is it would never stand up. Since they're so small, I was thinking of starting off by putting them in a large pot with top soil. Would that be good, until they're bigger?
by Gardencrazy on May 02, 2004 05:54 AM
Hi and Welcome,
When I receive trees like that I always start them off in pots. You should also make sure that if you do put them in pots to shelter them more during the winter.
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When I receive trees like that I always start them off in pots. You should also make sure that if you do put them in pots to shelter them more during the winter.
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by obywan59 on May 02, 2004 09:39 AM
I just received 10 flowering trees from the arbor day foundation. They recommended planting them in a garden for a year or two. So that's what I did. As I have been having problems with deer, rabbits, and groundhogs, I also used Tubex tree shelters
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May the force be with you
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May the force be with you
by Jon on May 04, 2004 04:51 PM
You may be more than a little correct in your estimation. I have received 3 red maple (3 different orders) from arbor society and each time the red maple was a good 2 1/2 - 3 feet in length.
I put my trees in pots and start them that way. Works well for me.
Good luck on the Red Maple and Weeping Willow.
I put my trees in pots and start them that way. Works well for me.
Good luck on the Red Maple and Weeping Willow.
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