shisk kebab
Willy's Place » Members Favorite Recipes
by ladystressout on March 22, 2005 09:39 PM
Like to try making shisk kebab's does anyone have any good recipes for them?Rita
by hisgal2 on March 26, 2005 11:16 PM
We always cut red onion into large square-ish shapes, use small white mushrooms, cut green, red, and yellow peppers into square-ish shapes, use cherry or grape tomatoes for the ends. For meat, we usually wait until roasts are on sale and buy a couple (we cook roasts alot for Sundays also) and then pick a good sized one and pound it a bit with the bottom of a glass to tenderize it a bit, then poke it with a fork and marinade it in soy sauce, worchestershire sauce, some BBQ sauce, ground pepper, and some water over night. Cut the beef into cubes, put everything on skewers (it won't all fit onto one, so you have to kind of mix and match as to people's taste) and throw it on the grill. We do these alot when we have parties because people like to make their own and cook them on the grill. Sometimes we color code the sticks (you can get colored skewers at the grocery store) so that we know which ones are whose.
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