flower plants that is helpful to the garden?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by ladystressout on October 13, 2005 02:00 AM
Hello everyone this pass season I grew marigolds,nasturiums,sunflowers,what other plants are good to keep the bugs away from your veggies? I would like to plant some more that helps the garden out?Rita
by comfrey on October 13, 2005 11:18 AM
Almost ever herb helps different veggie plants, Some veggies dislike some herbs, and in my opinion, most herbs have wonderful scents, alot of them have beautiful blooms and also are useful to harvest. If you would like I could list a few with their benefits..Let me know.
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by tkhooper on October 13, 2005 11:13 PM
Yes please I would like to know that.
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by comfrey on October 14, 2005 10:28 AM
Since it is Herbs I am going to list...I am going to post it in the Herb section...So look for the list there.
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by Patty S on October 14, 2005 11:58 AM
I've always Companion Planted in my vegetable garden #1 to discourage bugs, & #2 to help put nutrients into the soil from 1 plant while they are leached out by another. I don't think I've ever planted tomatoes without planting Basil next to them. Basil has such a powerful aroma that bugs who normally would bother the tomatoes, stay away! I love to grow Basil anyway, cuz its such a pretty plant & it's also something that the deer won't eat!
You can harvest the seeds after the flowers die off & have all the basil you ever wanted, the next year.... everywhere... for FREE! Basil improves the flavor of tomatoes & lettuce, just as Chives do, while keeping flies & mosquitoes away.
(BTW, Planting tomatoes by asparagus is another good idea, because the enzyme "asparagin" repels tomato loving bugs.)
Nasturtiums, anywhere in the garden, discourage aphids, cabbage worms & beetles.
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You can harvest the seeds after the flowers die off & have all the basil you ever wanted, the next year.... everywhere... for FREE! Basil improves the flavor of tomatoes & lettuce, just as Chives do, while keeping flies & mosquitoes away.
(BTW, Planting tomatoes by asparagus is another good idea, because the enzyme "asparagin" repels tomato loving bugs.)
Nasturtiums, anywhere in the garden, discourage aphids, cabbage worms & beetles.
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by slredmond on October 17, 2005 08:21 AM
One of the nurseries in my area listed the following to repel Japanese beatles (not sure about other insects)
Four o'clocks
White mums
The following can BAIT them away from your plants
African marigolds
Evening primrose
Worth a try!
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Sandy R.
Four o'clocks
White mums
The following can BAIT them away from your plants
African marigolds
Evening primrose
Worth a try!
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Sandy R.
by Tamara from Minnesota on October 20, 2005 07:52 AM
My list is a variety of herbs all around and marigolds, nasturtium, cosmos and zinnia. Certain veggies don't get along with other things well. Garlic and chives should not be planted by peas and there was something that didn't like dill but I can't remember what, maybe peas again. I always plant tomatoes and basil together!
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