Do Corn Ear Worms have a predator?
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by Amigatec on September 19, 2005 07:29 AM
Put a drop a mineral oil on the silks, and that should kill the eggs.
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One OS to rule them, one OS to find them:
One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Redmond where the shadows lie.
by MelanieS on September 27, 2005 02:24 AM
I read somewhere recently that the PENNSYLVANIA LEATHER-WINGS (or SOLDIER BEETLES) would eat corn worm grubs. Of course now for the life of me I cannot find where I read it. Maybe you can do a search and find out something.
We had these this year all over my Celosia. Tons of them so I had to do some research to find out what they were. Turns out they are a great bug to have around.
I read somewhere recently that the PENNSYLVANIA LEATHER-WINGS (or SOLDIER BEETLES) would eat corn worm grubs. Of course now for the life of me I cannot find where I read it. Maybe you can do a search and find out something.
We had these this year all over my Celosia. Tons of them so I had to do some research to find out what they were. Turns out they are a great bug to have around.
by MelanieS on September 27, 2005 02:28 AM
I found the quote!!!
These Soldier Beetles are important biological controls against Corn Earworms in the larval form and adults are often found on flowers, especially goldenrod since they eat pollen and nectar.
These Soldier Beetles are important biological controls against Corn Earworms in the larval form and adults are often found on flowers, especially goldenrod since they eat pollen and nectar.
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