Trimming/Pruning Morning Glories
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2002
by newbie on September 29, 2002 11:40 AM
Help, I have some beautiful morning glories growing right next to my house. I have searched all over the net trying to find out how to keep them under control. I would love to trim them so that they don't get out of hand but I am afraid to kill them. I would also like to if possible transplant some of them. Can someone tell me how to trim them and if it is possible to transplant parts of them.Thanks
by mom54 on September 30, 2002 04:22 AM
All you have to do is cut them back to where you want them to grow. They are annuals, so I have not tried to transplant them. I have saved the seeds and planted them out. Maybe someone can help you with transplanting tips for them. 
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by alankhart on October 02, 2002 07:13 AM
Morning glories do not transplant well, so your best bet is to save seeds and grow new plants. They grow quite quickly, and reseed like crazy!
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