Growing Tomatoes inside???
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by tkhooper on August 22, 2006 04:28 AM
A full spectrum light is what you need. Either that or get a combination of cool and hot florescent tubes. Although mine did fine lightwise in an east facing window in zone 7. But you'll need a big pot with good drainage and a lot of space because they sure do grow tall. Either that or maybe you could get one of the vine types. Good luck with your tomatoes.
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by Bestofour on August 22, 2006 05:39 AM
TK, did you grow regular of patio tomatoes inside?. I can't imagine trying to grow regular sized tomatoes inside. The plants get so big.
Chilady, I don't know how much space you've got but maybe you should go with the patio variety. They make small tomatoes but it tastes good.
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Chilady, I don't know how much space you've got but maybe you should go with the patio variety. They make small tomatoes but it tastes good.
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by Deborah L. on August 22, 2006 06:32 AM
Chilady, do you have any pets?
Tomato leaves and the stems in particular are highly toxic to pets.
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Tomato leaves and the stems in particular are highly toxic to pets.
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by chilady on August 23, 2006 01:53 AM
Deborah I have two cats and two dogs. But I am going to do it out on our sun porch. They are not allowed out there. I just hope it stays warm enough out there. I will have to see what happens. Thanks for letting me know they are toxic. I would have taken the plants inside the house if the porch doesn't turn out to be warm enough. And I wouldn't have really even thought about it being toxic.
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