cold frame ?'s
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by tkhooper on January 09, 2006 08:24 AM
Maybe it's time to experiment if you have enough seeds and stuff that it wouldn't be a hardship.
Good luck whatever you decide.
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Good luck whatever you decide.
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by Wizzard on January 09, 2006 10:31 AM
im also on the line between 6a&b. i would recomend checking to see if whst all you want to plant is winter sowable. the tomatoes im sure would be fine to do now. most herbs would probably be ok too. im not sure about peppers... surely someone will know.
good luck
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Wizzards pics
good luck
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Wizzards pics
by rogmee on January 10, 2006 07:24 AM
If you want to have Early Plants you should start your seeds indoors and use the cold frame to harden them off. Follow the directions on the seed packet as to when you should sow indoors. If you want to "winter sow " them you can do them anytime, however I would wait another month before putting them out. Winter sown seeds will tomatoes will be later to bear than plants you buy from your nursery.
by johnCT on January 10, 2006 09:11 PM
You're better off starting your seed indoors and using the cold frame to harden off the plants as rogmee said. Most veggie seed, especially tomato and pepper seed, need warm temps for the seed to germinate. Start a couple flats of seed indoors under an inexpensive flourescent shoplight 4-8 weeks before last frost, pot them up and then start to harden them off in your coldframe.
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
by hisgal2 on January 10, 2006 10:34 PM
4-8 flats!! Sheesh...I'm thinking more like 10 seeds!
We're only going to be at this house for another year so we don't want to plant too many.
Thanks for all of the advice. I guess I'm itching to get back into the garden. ![[Smile]](im/smile.gif)
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![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by johnCT on January 10, 2006 10:41 PM
4-8 weeks
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
by hisgal2 on January 11, 2006 07:15 AM
oh!! LOL!! Sorry! I was in a rush this morning and must not have read that correctly. Nothing new for'll learn.
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
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![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
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by johnCT on January 11, 2006 09:40 PM
Oh I've done the same thing many, many times, lol. Good luck with your endeavor
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
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