Where to buy tree peony like alankhart?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by afgreyparrot on August 14, 2006 06:06 AM
They have that tree peony at Jackson and Perkins .
Just type "tree peony" in the search box there and it will come up.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
Just type "tree peony" in the search box there and it will come up.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by ND farm girl on August 14, 2006 06:14 AM
Thanks - found it!
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by weezie13 on August 14, 2006 07:25 AM
I've seen them sold on QVC,
by Cottage Farms..
And they have a policy for 1 year returns..
**like if you bought it in late spring, planted by the time they shipped it to you... and EITHER, it died that summer
OR it didn't come back up in spring/early summer...
You can call and tell them that, and they either ship you another one, *Free* or give $$ back or whatever you preferr...
ANDDDDDDD, you can even do that on the second one too, if it doesn't preform to what you want...
I really like it..
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by Cottage Farms..
And they have a policy for 1 year returns..
**like if you bought it in late spring, planted by the time they shipped it to you... and EITHER, it died that summer
OR it didn't come back up in spring/early summer...
You can call and tell them that, and they either ship you another one, *Free* or give $$ back or whatever you preferr...
ANDDDDDDD, you can even do that on the second one too, if it doesn't preform to what you want...
I really like it..
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by ND farm girl on August 14, 2006 07:40 AM
It's gorgeous isn't it? I love it! Thanks again everyone!
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Search The Garden Helper:
Picture from alankhart photobucket - love it.
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