Fairy roses
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
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by tkhooper on August 11, 2006 11:52 AM
All the miniature roses that I've run into are pretty hardy as long as they are outside. Mine are in clay and manage inspite of me most days I think. It's not so much that they love clay as that they can survive in it. They like a rich well draining soil. Put a little rose food in the planting hole just like you would for any other rose and make sure that you make the hole larger than needed and then back fill and water and then fill again until the soil is level.
Congratulations on your fairy roses.
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Congratulations on your fairy roses.
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by netwiz on August 12, 2006 01:08 AM
Thanks Tk, these are my first experience with roses. I was given a fairy rose a few weeks ago but think I killed it.
I don't want to make the same mistake with the new ones.
by tkhooper on August 12, 2006 05:33 AM
unless all the stems are brown don't give up hope on the fairy roses. Mine went completely dormant this summer. They lost all their leaves and I thought they were goners. But as soon as the temperature came down out of the 90's they started getting new leaves. I think the easiest way to keep them happy is to keep them outside. Mine are in the ground and really like to grow tall. Fortunately you can prune them at any time.
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by netwiz on August 12, 2006 06:45 AM
That is good news Tk. The stems are still green although a few tips have turned brown. I will trim the dead stuff off and hope for the best. I really love the fairy roses and should have bought more when I had the chance!
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